Gamification: Motivation Psychology & The Art of Engagement
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- Curriculum
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The Art of Engagement and The Psychology of Motivation is a course that will teach you about human beings and what encourages them to do the things they do. This unique course is inspired not just from text books and science experiments, but from personal, first hand experience. Experience teaching children, managing teams and design applications.
The curriculum is designed to be studied over several weeks, with each video giving you interesting concepts and studies to take away, think about and discuss with the tutor and the other students. You’ll be encouraged to bring your personal engagement challenges to this course so we can build an engagement plan together.
If you’re an application designer, teacher, manager or parent, the psychology to motivate your people is the same and by the end of this course you’ll have built an incredibly simple engagement plan to motivate change in any community. You’ll not only finish the course with your engagement plan, but the ability to easily reproduce it any time in the future you need to motivate change in a community.
1IntroductionVideo lesson
2Why We Shouldn't Motivate With CarrotsVideo lesson
It's really important to understand how cognitive dissonance turns what we assume will be good motivational techniques into bad ones. Once we have dispelled this myth we can start to learn about real engagement techniques.
3Dopamine: The Natural Reward ChemicalVideo lesson
Why do we get motivated to do anything at all? Well it's natures way of keeping us alive. The first step is to understand how our brains work.
4Pavlovs Dog and skinners RatsVideo lesson
Human behaviour is no different to animal behaviour. What motivates the dogs and the rats will motivate us. This is the first step to understanding human behaviour.
5What Naturally Motivates Us?Video lesson
Once we understand what people really need, we can see what motivates them.
6Intrinsic and Extrinsic MotivationVideo lesson
What's the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? and why is it so important to make the distinction?
7Section SummaryVideo lesson
8StatusVideo lesson
Status is low down the hierarchy of needs and an extrinsic motivator but it's cheap to provide so is often used as a motivational technique and although it works better than money, it still has it's problems.
9Social ProofVideo lesson
We use up mental energy every time we make a decision. We'll only exert ourselves mentally so many times a day. If we can make decisions by copying others or doing what we did last time. We will.
10Giving FeedbackVideo lesson
There are many kinds of feedback and they are all important to engage people
11Creating RulesVideo lesson
Without rules people can't be motivated. We don't know what we are trying to achieve. We need rules to motivate.
12Make It DifficultVideo lesson
No one want's an easy life. For people to be truly engaged they need a challenge.
13Stepping stonesVideo lesson
People need a finishing line to stay motivated and by having smaller more regular goals then we are never that far from a finishing line.
14Reward LoopsVideo lesson
How can we stop people just walking out once they complete their the last goal. We need a way to keep them to have something else to work towards at the same time.
15The Desire To MasterVideo lesson
The most important ingredient to mastery engagement. People can't master something they don't believe in.
16It's Always Been About MeaningVideo lesson
Why is meaning one of the four big intrinsic motivators?
17What Do People Really Enjoy?Video lesson
Recent studies have shown that we are wrong about the things that we think will make us happy. When are the activitities that people really enjoy?
18Creating MeaningVideo lesson
So meaning is huge for engagement, but how do we create meaning?
19the Art of StorytellingVideo lesson
Some lessons from the pros about telling engaging stories
20Masters of ContributingVideo lesson
Autonomy is all about authenticity. About people respecting who we are as people and accepting our contributions. This is vital for engagement.
21Give Them OptionsVideo lesson
The ability to choose is as good as been listened to. When we get to put part of ourselves into something then we believe in it more.
22Let Them FailVideo lesson
If we never fail. It's not a challenge. If it's not a challange we aren't engaged.
23We Love To FailVideo lesson
Do we actually love to fail?
24Status SeesawVideo lesson
Another reason why status doesn't work. But also why it's important to fail and let other around us fail, so we can be on the same level.
25Kill Your EgoVideo lesson
Ego is peoples biggest barriers to been themselves and without been themselves they don't have authentic autonomy.
26Finding CommunityVideo lesson
Community is one of the four main intrinsic motivators and posibly the most engaging.
27Loneliness EpidemicVideo lesson
Could community be the biggest of all the motivators?
28Let Them HelpVideo lesson
Why help helps us build communities and drop our ego at the same time.
29What's Stopping Us Been Us?Video lesson
What are the barriers to connecting as authentic people.
30Building Our Engagement Plan: Part OneVideo lesson
Let's collect together all the ideas we have come up with thought the course and start to brainstorm for our engagement plan
31Building Our Engagement Plan: Part TwoVideo lesson
Which aspect of the person is each point motivating. Let's make sure we engage all the aspects.
32Building Our Engagement Plan: Part ThreeVideo lesson
Finally let's reduce all our ideas down so we have at least one for each intrinsic motivator and each aspect the person.
33Examples IntroductionVideo lesson
This section will give a series of real word examples of gamification, motivation and engagement psychology. I'll show you real apps and which techniques they use to give you some inspiration for your own projects.
34Gamification in GamesVideo lesson
We'll look at some real games and what makes them different from none games. There is one very specific difference.
35Instant FeedbackVideo lesson
The importance of feedback to keep people motivated. But also exactly when and how to give it to them.
36Multi Sensory FeedbackVideo lesson
If you have a long progress bar it may demotivate people. You'll need another strategy to keep them going!
37Progress BarsVideo lesson
Progress bars are more than a way to provide feedback they let us know we have completed a task and can stop thinking about it. There can be a negative side to this!
38Multiple Feedback LoopsVideo lesson
What if your progress bar is too long? You don't want people loosing motivation half way!
39Continual ProgressVideo lesson
You can see your progress without there been a completion state. I'm also going to show you one app that ticks all the boxes.
40Loss AversionVideo lesson
One dark art of gamification is to make them feel they'll miss something if they stop using your app! These are some examples of apps that have done just that.
41CurrencyVideo lesson
Currency and in app autonomy is a fantastic extra you can add to any app. Here are some examples of real world gamification in app examples.
42Gold CardVideo lesson
Status is another dark art in gamification, here are a few examples and why you shouldn't use them!
43LotteryVideo lesson
We know random events are very powerful but can we just add them anywhere to make anything instantly more engaging. Here is one example that does just that!
44LikesVideo lesson
The evil like button. Why you should never add a like button to your app. but why it would be very powerful if you were evil.
45Engagement vs MotivationVideo lesson
Engagement and Motivation don't all do hand in hand. sometimes we sacrifice one for the other. We need to take what we learned in the course and find our own balance!