Create your own UBER App with Flutter & Firebase Course
- Description
- Curriculum
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In this course you will learn and make your own fully functional ride sharing applications just like UBER app with flutter and firebase as backend.
This course has two apps:
1) UBER Clone Users App
2) UBER Clone Drivers App
UBER Clone Users App is for the users to use while UBER Clone Drivers App is for the drivers to use. We will develop this complete project with firebase as backend with flutter dart.
In this course you will also learn how to send real time push notifications using firebase cloud messaging. Also you will learn how to add google maps to android and iOS app, how to use google maps apis, how to use google places api and you will learn how to get and update user and driver current location at real time using geofire for android and iOS apps. Moreover you will learn about how draw polylines on map in android and iOS applications using flutter with firebase real time database as backend.
We will complete this course step by step, so that you can learn and understand every function and how it works. We will separately authenticate the user (rider) from the driver. So that both can be differentiated and we do like this because to avoid any misuse from the rider side.
At the end of this course you will have your own fully functionally, fully backend + frontend ride sharing app like uber and careem app.
3create user appVideo lesson
4connect project and app to firebaseVideo lesson
5add icon and font to our projectVideo lesson
6create login pageVideo lesson
7create signup pageVideo lesson
8navigation and set routeVideo lesson
9signup user with firebase authentication and firebase databaseVideo lesson
10signin user using firebaseVideo lesson
11progress dialogVideo lesson
12add google maps to appVideo lesson
13add home and work location panelVideo lesson
14navigation drawerVideo lesson
15get user current location - flutter google mapVideo lesson
16enable GeoCoding Api and Reverse GeoCodingVideo lesson
17reverse geocoding and display addressVideo lesson
18setting Data Provider Class and save Current Location AddressVideo lesson
19search and create destination pageVideo lesson
20enable google places api - auto complete searchVideo lesson
21deserialize place predictions result & display it on listviewVideo lesson
22get place details lat lng of selected placeVideo lesson
23get direction from pickup to dropoff location using google direction apiVideo lesson
24draw polyline on map & fit polyline on map - LatLng Bounds & add Markers CirclesVideo lesson
25design ride fare estimates panelVideo lesson
26switch between containers displayVideo lesson
27calculate ride fares amount using distance and durationVideo lesson
28request ride and find driver design panelVideo lesson
29create ride request and cancel ride requestVideo lesson
30check if already user loggedin and signout userVideo lesson
31create driver app new flutter projectVideo lesson
32drivers app setupVideo lesson
33connect driver app to firebase (Android+iOS)Video lesson
34register and save Driver and Driver's Car InfoVideo lesson
35bottom Navigation for Driver App Home ScreenVideo lesson
36set google map || geo Locater services for Driver appVideo lesson
37driver online and offline panelVideo lesson
38get live Location updates and save to Database at Real Time using GeoFireVideo lesson
39implement Go Online and Go Offline featureVideo lesson
40difference between users's login & drives's login with Firebase Auth & DatabaseVideo lesson
43send (new ride request) push notification to driversVideo lesson
44send notification using httpRequest & then read Notification data messageVideo lesson
45retrieve new ride request detailsVideo lesson
46display new ride request dialog to driver (accept and cancel new ride request)Video lesson
47notify driver with notification alert musicVideo lesson
48new ride request availability and timeoutVideo lesson
49new ride screenVideo lesson
50driver location to rider pickup location - draw polylines, markers and circlesVideo lesson
51update drivers car info to new ride request in databaseVideo lesson
52add driver car icon on map and animate it on routes with live location updatesVideo lesson
53update ride duration at real time and animate car icon on polylineVideo lesson
54implement driver arrived - driver pickup - driver dropoff - driver end tripVideo lesson
55collect payment and save driver earningsVideo lesson
56save ride history and display actual rider infoVideo lesson
57automatically select nearby nearest driverVideo lesson
58automatically send notification (new trip request) to nearest driverVideo lesson
59what to do when:: no driver found, request timeout and when rider cancelled tripVideo lesson
60display assigned driver info to riderVideo lesson
61update driver arrival and estimated time of arrival to destinationVideo lesson