Creating turn-based game, Unity Engine
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
We all remember and love the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Tactical combat is the pinnacle of smart fighting games. Anyone can create a game from scratch. We are going to prove this together. This course is about IDEAS, ะก sharp and Unity3D. All This will save your TIME.
Create something serious from scratch.
Unity 2019. With some upgrades to 2020
The topics covered:
How to find available positions?
How to move hero avoiding obstacles?
How how to distinguish between allies and enemies?
How to distinguish between deserts, swamps and grass?
How to manage scripts?
How to define the Optimal Path?
How to visualize the damage?
How to create a ranged attack?
How does the enemy AI make a decision?
How to manage turns and rounds?
How to place allied regiments?
How to make a flying hero fly over water and mountains?
Unity and c# topics
Basics of OOP
Else-If Statements, Loops
Variables, Properties and Types
Classes and Objects
Canvas and Images, anchors and screen resolution
Sprite Renderer, Transform, Rect Transform Components
Particle Systems
Arrays and Lists, multi-dimensional array, jagged array
Abstract classes
Scriptable Objects
Design Patterns
Artificial Intelligence
Code architecture
Optimal path
Scrollable Storage
Rounds and Turns
C# Methods, ref, out, in
Sprite Renderer
The course is good for those who want to create the game structure using interfaces. The course will be updated frequently for additional ideas.
PS. You also will get more than 20 isometric hexagon sprites and bonus ideas:)
1Project PlanVideo lesson
2Installing Unity and Visual StudioVideo lesson
3Extra Lecture. CanvasVideo lesson
4Creating the first objectVideo lesson
5UI ImageVideo lesson
6Positioning GameObjectsVideo lesson
7Variables. Value and Reference typesVideo lesson
8Extra lecture. Prefabs (Unity 2020)Video lesson
9Creating Hex PrefabVideo lesson
10Canvas, Transform, RectTransformVideo lesson
11Hexes PrefabsVideo lesson
12Creating BattlefieldVideo lesson
13Else-If Statement, Ternary OperatorVideo lesson
14Basics of OOP: encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphismVideo lesson
15Access ModifiersVideo lesson
16Methods. Parameters. Ref, In, OutVideo lesson
17Hero PrefabVideo lesson
18AnimationVideo lesson
19For LoopVideo lesson
20Array, Two-Dimensional ArrayVideo lesson
21Coordinate SystemVideo lesson
22EnumerationVideo lesson
23Foreach loopVideo lesson
24All about UI ButtonVideo lesson
25List<T>Video lesson
26Adjacent hexesVideo lesson
27Start, Awake, Update functionsVideo lesson
28Static classes and membersVideo lesson
29Available PositionsVideo lesson
30InheritanceVideo lesson
31InterfaceVideo lesson
32PropertiesVideo lesson
33Optimal Path, p.1Video lesson
34Optimal Path, p.2Video lesson
35Movement, p.1, Time.deltaTimeVideo lesson
36Movement, p.2Video lesson
37Movement, p.3, Ground RegimentVideo lesson
38Scriptable Objects, SerializationVideo lesson
39Abstract classesVideo lesson
40HeroesVideo lesson
41Scroll Rect, Grid Layout GroupVideo lesson
42Instantiate methodVideo lesson
43UI ButtonVideo lesson
44OnMouseDown() methodVideo lesson
45Observer Pattern, Destroy() methodVideo lesson
46DelegatesVideo lesson
47Enemy DeploymentVideo lesson
48Start ButtonVideo lesson
49Completing Hero PrefabsVideo lesson
50The Attacking RegimentVideo lesson
51Melee fighter looks for targetVideo lesson
52Ranged fighter looks for targetVideo lesson
53The Melee fighter attacksVideo lesson
54CoroutineVideo lesson
55Particle SystemVideo lesson
56The Arrow's flightVideo lesson
57The Mage BallVideo lesson
58AI looks for positions to occupyVideo lesson
59AI Calculates distanceVideo lesson
60AI makes a decisionVideo lesson
61AI attacksVideo lesson
62Turns and RoundsVideo lesson
63Game OverVideo lesson