Learn Python through Music with Ableton Live
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Welcome to the ‘Learning Python with Ableton’ course!
In this course I will teach you how to develop in Python without the need of any prior programming knowledge.
We start with the absolute basics, but within the framework of a highly practical approach. What this means is that you’ll start to work on useful musical projects right away! Because of this you get to explore and practice with the language syntax without having to go through boring exercises. At the end of the course you’ll be very familiar with Python and you should be able to take on any projects, even when they’re not related to making music or controlling Ableton! On top of that, you’ll gain in-depth knowledge about the Ableton API, how MIDI works, and how you can create music and control musical parameters via code.
The course is divided into multiple sections, in the first part we will set up our development environment. Here you learn how to install an IDE, the basics of MIDI and some other important knowledge to get started.
In the next section we start writing our first Python program, which will already be useful and fun! You learn how functions work, how to send musical events to Ableton, we create a complete song by using Datasets and we’ll even learn how to capture Webcam input to send Notes and CC data to Ableton or any other Application.
After that, we dive into the mighty Ableton API…
In this third section we will explore the LOM (Live Object Model) and we start to get an idea about OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Getting to know Ableton from a developers perspective will allow you to interact with all aspects of the program, the Mixer, the Clips, the Devices and pretty much everything which you can see in the Ableton UI (and even some features hidden to ‘regular’ users). We will write our first class and make some useful programs to speed up your workflow in Ableton and to come up with new creative ideas.
Lastly, we dive into MIDI Remote Scripts, this has been a highly requested section of the course, filled with information never before exposed or documented. This section of the course is the result of working with Remote Scripts and the Ableton Framework for more than 10 years and it will show you how to make a script for your MIDI controller, making it useful for the way you work in Ableton or for your specific Live Performance setup. After this section you don’t have to rely anymore on Third party scripts, you can make your controller exactly fit your needs.
I guarantee you that after this course you will be very comfortable with Python and you are able to think about and develop your own (creative) projects. You will also become a true Ableton Live guru with in-depth knowledge about the program itself and how all its components interact. You will end up with a whole set of scripts & tools that are unique to the way you work!
On top of that you will be well on your way to getting hired as a Python developer, even if that’s something you don’t desire 😉
Please feel free to checkout some of the Free Lessons or ask my any questions!
Happy {coding with [Ableton]} !
Programming Topics
Math & Matplotlib
Functions & Classes
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Open CV
Dictionaries & Other data types
Context Managers
Error Handling
And much more..
- 8B1 - Python Packages & PipVideo lesson
- 9B2 - Our First ProgramVideo lesson
- 10B3 - LoopsVideo lesson
- 11B4 - FunctionsVideo lesson
- 12B5 - Modulation ShapesVideo lesson
- 13B6 - Convert RangeVideo lesson
- 14B7 - Sending CC DataVideo lesson
- 15B8 - More Modulation ShapesVideo lesson
- 16B9 - Lists & TuplesVideo lesson
- 17B10 - Calculating Melody LengthVideo lesson
- 18B11 - Multithreading ExampleVideo lesson
- 19B12 - Combine EverythingVideo lesson
- 20B13 - Music from Data IVideo lesson
- 21B14 - Music from Data IIVideo lesson
- 22B15 - Music from Data IIIVideo lesson
- 23B16 - Music from Data IVVideo lesson
- 24B17 - Music from Data VVideo lesson
- 25B18 - Post Processing in AbletonVideo lesson
- 26B19 - Mediapipe BasicsVideo lesson
- 27B20 - Drawing the HandsVideo lesson
- 28B21 - Sending Webcam Data to AbletonVideo lesson
- 29C1 - The LOMVideo lesson
- 30C2 - Terminal Basics & The Log FileVideo lesson
- 31C3 - Installing a Remote ScriptVideo lesson
- 32C4 - Simple Socket ExampleVideo lesson
- 33C5 - Python OSCVideo lesson
- 34C6 - DictionariesVideo lesson
- 35C7 - Metronome & BPMVideo lesson
- 36C8 - Play ClipsVideo lesson
- 37C9 - Change Clip PitchVideo lesson
- 38C10 - Rename by TrackVideo lesson
- 39C11 - Our First ClassVideo lesson
- 40C12 - Reset Device ControlsVideo lesson
- 41C13 - Polygon Rhythms IVideo lesson
- 42C14 - Polygon Rhythms IIVideo lesson
- 43C15 - Polygon Rhythms IIIVideo lesson
- 44C16 - Polygon Rhythms IVVideo lesson