Master English grammar| Grammar rules, practice, tests
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Your most powerful and fun English grammar course.
It’s a must-have course for anyone who wants to master English grammar and know how to use it in real life.
This English Grammar course is a perfect tool for anyone who is planning to take IELTS, TOEFL in the nearest future, and is not sure in their knowledge.
This English Grammar course is a perfect fit for English teachers, who want to make their English grammar lessons unforgettable and really fun.
What are the killer advantages of LOGUS English Grammar course compared to other English grammar courses:
– It’s the most complete English Grammar course. Here you will find any English grammar topic you could ever dream of.
– LOGUS English grammar is made in the form of cartoons. All explanations and examples are beautifully illustrated so you can remember them much better
– There are lots of tests to help you check your progress
– You immediately get straight to the point. You don’t waste any second on useless talks.
Don’t take our word for it, buy it and see how cool LOGUS English Grammar course is. Even if you think it doesn’t work for you, you can get a refund within one month, no questions asked
8English Grammar: Simple present tense. How to use itVideo lesson
9English Grammar: Simple present tense. When to use itVideo lesson
10English Grammar: Present Progressive. How to use itVideo lesson
11English Grammar: Present progressive. When to use itVideo lesson
12English Grammar: Verbs rarely used in progressive tenses. Part -1Video lesson
13English Grammar: Verbs rarely used in the progressive tenses. Part 2Video lesson
14English Grammar: Simple present vs present progressive testVideo lesson
15English Grammar: Regular verbs vs irregular verbsVideo lesson
16English Grammar: Be in the pastVideo lesson
17English Grammar: Simple past. How to use itVideo lesson
18English Grammar: Simple past. When to use itVideo lesson
19English Grammar: Past Progressive. How to use itVideo lesson
20English Grammar: Past Progressive. When to use itVideo lesson
21English Grammar: Simple past vs Past Progressive testVideo lesson
22English Grammar: Simple future. How to use itVideo lesson
23English Grammar: Simple Future. When to use itVideo lesson
24English Grammar: Be in the futureVideo lesson
25English Grammar: Going toVideo lesson
26English Grammar: Going to vs willVideo lesson
27English Grammar: Will you? Shall we?Video lesson
28English Grammar: Future progressive. How and when to use itVideo lesson
29English Grammar: Future. TestVideo lesson
30English Grammar: Present perfect simple. How to use itVideo lesson
31English Grammar: Present Perfect simple. When to use itVideo lesson
32English Grammar: Present perfect vs simple pastVideo lesson
33English Grammar: Present perfect progressive. How to use itVideo lesson
34English Grammar: Present Perfect progressive. When to use itVideo lesson
35English Grammar: Present Perfect simple, progressive testVideo lesson
36English Grammar: Past perfect simple. How to use itVideo lesson
37English Grammar: Past perfect. When to use itVideo lesson
38English Grammar: Past perfect progressive. How to use itVideo lesson
39English Grammar: Past perfect progressive. When to use itVideo lesson
40English Grammar: Future perfect. How to use itVideo lesson
41English Grammar: Future perfect. When to use itVideo lesson
42English Grammar: BONUS. Simple future vs future progressive vs Future perfectVideo lesson
43English Grammar: Modal verbs. What are they?Video lesson
44English Grammar: Modal Verbs. CanVideo lesson
45English Grammar: Modal Verbs. CouldVideo lesson
46English Grammar: Modal verbs. Could in the pastVideo lesson
47English Grammar: Modal verbs. MayVideo lesson
48English Grammar: Modal verbs. May in the pastVideo lesson
49English Grammar: Modal verbs. MightVideo lesson
50English Grammar: Modal verbs. Might in the pastVideo lesson
51English Grammar: Modal verbs. ShouldVideo lesson
52English Grammar: Modal verbs. Should in the pastVideo lesson
53English Grammar: Modal verbs. Ought toVideo lesson
54English Grammar: Modal verbs. MustVideo lesson
55English Grammar: Modal verbs. Must in the pastVideo lesson
56English Grammar: Must vs have toVideo lesson
57English Grammar: Modal verbs. WillVideo lesson
58English Grammar: Modal verbs. ShallVideo lesson
59English Grammar: Modal verbs. WouldVideo lesson
60English Grammar: Modal verbs. Would in the pastVideo lesson
61English Grammar: BONUS. Modal verbs. Present vs pastVideo lesson
62English Grammar: Active and passive voice. IntroductionVideo lesson
63English Grammar: Why we use passive voiceVideo lesson
64English Grammar: Passive voice. Main grammar principleVideo lesson
65English Grammar: Passive voice. Simple presentVideo lesson
66English Grammar: Passive voice. Present progressiveVideo lesson
67English Grammar: Passive voice. Simple pastVideo lesson
68English Grammar: Passive voice. Past progressiveVideo lesson
69English Grammar: Passive voice. Simple futureVideo lesson
70English Grammar: Passive voice. Present perfectVideo lesson
71English Grammar: Passive voice. Past PerfectVideo lesson
72English Grammar: Passive voice. Future PerfectVideo lesson
73English Grammar: Passive voice. Modal verbsVideo lesson
74English Grammar: Passive Voice. Get vs BeVideo lesson
75English Grammar: Conditionals. introductionVideo lesson
76English Grammar: Types of conditionalsVideo lesson
77English Grammar: Structure of conditional sentencesVideo lesson
78English Grammar: Real future conditionVideo lesson
79English Grammar: Present unreal conditionVideo lesson
80English Grammar: Past unreal conditionVideo lesson
81English Grammar: Conditionals. HappenVideo lesson
82English Grammar: Conditionals. UnlessVideo lesson
83English Grammar: Conditionals. In caseVideo lesson
84English Grammar: Conditionals. PROVIDED and AS LONG ASVideo lesson
85English Grammar: Conditionals. Wishes. PresentVideo lesson
86English Grammar: Conditionals. Wishes. PastVideo lesson
87English Grammar: Conditionals. Wishes. FutureVideo lesson