Pregnancy, Baby Care & Parenting Course
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Explore pregnancy, birth and parenthood, with our carefully crafted guide. Developed by a collective of professionals including; registered UK Midwives, Hypnobirthing coaches, Registered Dieticians and Infant feeding specialists, this comprehensive course ensures you’re equipped with essential knowledge every step of the way. From understanding the stages of pregnancy to looking after your newborn, our guide is designed to instil confidence throughout your parenthood journey.
Throughout the course, we cover a diverse range of topics, including prenatal care, labour and delivery options, newborn care, breastfeeding techniques, baby first aid, weaning, how to wind your baby, how to safely sleep baby, how to make a bottle, how to breastfeed and postpartum support.
Pregnancy – What to Expect In Each Trimester
Pregnancy Fitness
Pregnancy Nutrition
Prenatal & Postnatal Physio & Pilates
Preparing for Labour & Delivery
Neonatal & What to expect if your baby is Premature
The Early Days and what to expect from yourself and your baby
Baby Care – How to take care of your newborn baby – Bathing, Winding, Sterilising and making bottles
Breastfeeding & Bottle Feeding Demonstrations
Baby Development
Baby First Aid
Baby Sleep Safe guidelines & tips
Weaning & Baby First Foods Guide
Babywearing How to Guide
Baby Massage and tips for babies with Colic
Your Mental Health
Each module is thoughtfully curated to provide you with practical insights and evidence based information, helping you make informed decisions and navigate the challenges of parenthood with ease.
With over 12 hours of engaging video content, you’ll have access to expert led tutorials, real-life scenarios, and printable workbooks designed to enhance your learning experience. Additionally, our printable checklists & guides offer handy resources to refer back to whenever needed, ensuring you feel supported and prepared every step of the way.
Whether you’re a first time parent or expanding your family, this course is designed to meet your unique needs and empower you to embrace this journey of parenthood with confidence.
1Introduction Midwife Bailey WarnerVideo lesson
Meet Midwife Bailey Warner, who will guide you through the stages of pregnancy.
2Pregnancy Planner PrintableText lesson
Download your pregnancy journal and plan your pregnancy
31st Trimester - What to ExpectVideo lesson
In this Lecture we will explore the changes and challenges of the first trimester.
42nd Trimester - What to ExpectVideo lesson
Dive into the second trimester during and see what the next few months entail for you and your baby.
53rd Trimester - What to ExpectVideo lesson
As the final stretch of your pregnancy approaches, we will discuss how you can prepare for labour and delivery.
6Pregnancy FAQs GuideText lesson
Browse through this PDF to find answers to common questions about pregnancy.
7Expecting TwinsText lesson
Delve into the unique considerations and challenges of carrying and caring for twins, from prenatal care to delivery and beyond.
8Pregnancy ComplicationsText lesson
Gain knowledge about potential complications that may arise during pregnancy, empowering you to recognise signs and seek appropriate care.
9Introduction Nikki KelhamVideo lesson
Explore the benefits of prenatal and postnatal physiotherapy and Pilates for promoting strength, flexibility, and overall wellbeing during pregnancy and after childbirth.
10Pregnancy Physio & PilatesVideo lesson
Discover exercises and techniques to support your changing body during pregnancy, promoting comfort and strength.
11PostNatal Pilates & Birth RecoveryVideo lesson
Transition to postnatal physiotherapy and Pilates to aid in your recovery after childbirth, rebuilding strength, improving posture, and promoting healing.
12Introduction Registered Dietician Nicola Ludlam RaineVideo lesson
Understand the importance of nutrition during pregnancy and its impact on both maternal and fetal health.
13The Low-Down on Pregnancy NutritionText lesson
Essential information about maintaining a healthy diet while pregnant.
14What Supplements Should I Take?Text lesson
The world of supplements gets very overwhelming, this lecture will give you guidance on recommended supplements to support a healthy pregnancy and address specific nutritional needs.
15Foods to Avoid & Nutrition RequirementsText lesson
Explore dietary restrictions and recommendations to minimise risks and ensure optimal nutrition for you and your baby.
16FAQs & Meal Plans for 1st, 2nd & 3rd TrimestersText lesson
Browse through the answers to our frequently asked questions and meal plans tailored to each trimester.
18Introduction Midwife Abigail LatifVideo lesson
Prepare for childbirth with essential information and practical tips to help you navigate the process of labour and delivery confidently.
19Birth Plan & Hospital Bag PrintablesText lesson
With the date fast approaching, explore our tools designed to assist you in planning for labour and packing for the hospital, ensuring you're fully prepared for the arrival of your baby!
20How to Prepare for Birth & Birth Ball ExercisesVideo lesson
Discover techniques and exercises to prepare your body and mind for childbirth, including the use of birth balls to ease discomfort and promote optimal positioning.
21When to Call Your Midwife, Braxton Hicks v LabourVideo lesson
Learn to recognise signs of labor and distinguish between Braxton Hicks contractions and true labour, empowering you to make informed decisions about when to seek medical assistance.
22Planning for Birth & Birth PreferencesVideo lesson
Understand the options available to you, from pain relief choices to birthing options!
23Maternal Examination & AssessmentVideo lesson
Understand the various medical assessments and interventions that may occur during labour and delivery, ensuring you are informed and prepared.
24Interventions: Sweeps, Inductions, C-SectionVideo lesson
Explore common interventions used during childbirth, including membrane sweeps, inductions, and cesarean sections, and learn about their indications and potential outcomes.
25Pain Relief OptionsVideo lesson
Discover a range of pain relief options available during labour, from natural techniques to medical interventions, allowing you to choose what best suits your needs and preferences.
26Introduction Anja MoncrieffVideo lesson
Explore the benefits of hypnobirthing, learn relaxation techniques, and understand how to make informed decisions during childbirth.
27What is Hypnobirthing?Video lesson
Learn about the principles and techniques of hypnobirthing, including visualisation, breathing exercises, and positive affirmations, designed to reduce fear and promote relaxation during labour.
28The Physiology Of BirthVideo lesson
Gain insight into the physiological processes of childbirth and how hypnobirthing techniques can work in harmony with your body's natural rhythms to facilitate a smoother and more comfortable birth.
29Making Informed DecisionsVideo lesson
Equip yourself with the knowledge and confidence to advocate for your birth preferences and make informed decisions about your care, guided by your unique needs and values.
30How Fear Can Impact BirthVideo lesson
Understand the role of fear in childbirth and learn strategies to overcome anxiety and cultivate a mindset of trust and confidence in your body's ability to birth.
31Up Breathing TechniqueVideo lesson
Explore the Up Breathing Technique designed to promote relaxation and manage discomfort during labour.
32Down Breathing TechniqueVideo lesson
Explore the Down Breathing Technique designed to promote relaxation and manage discomfort during labour.
33Your Birth PartnerVideo lesson
Involve your birth partner in the hypnobirthing experience, learning how they can provide support and encouragement throughout labour and delivery.
34Pregnancy Zen Relaxation AudioVideo lesson
Access guided meditations and relaxation exercises to cultivate a sense of calm and tranquility during pregnancy, promoting deep relaxation and emotional wellbeing.
35Guided Meditation for a Deep SleepVideo lesson
Enjoy soothing guided meditations to promote restful sleep and relaxation, supporting your physical and emotional health throughout pregnancy and beyond.
36Guided Meditation for a Peaceful PregnancyVideo lesson
Cultivate a sense of peace and serenity during pregnancy with guided meditation practices that help you connect with your baby and nurture a positive mindset.
37An introduction to a Neonatal UnitVideo lesson
Familiarise yourself with neonatal care units and the specialised care they provide for premature and critically ill newborns, offering support and resources for families during a challenging time.
38Entering a Neonatal Unit for the First TimeVideo lesson
Prepare for your first visit to a neonatal unit, understanding what to expect and how to navigate the environment while supporting your baby's health and well-being.
39How You Can Get InvolvedVideo lesson
Learn how to actively participate in your baby's care while in the neonatal unit, fostering bonding and providing comfort and support during this crucial period.
40Going HomeVideo lesson
Prepare for the transition home from the neonatal unit, ensuring you have the knowledge and support needed to care for your baby's unique needs outside of the hospital setting.
41The First Few Hours After BirthVideo lesson
Learn what to expect in the immediate aftermath of childbirth, including initial bonding, newborn assessments, and the early stages of breastfeeding.
42The First Few Hours (Info)Text lesson
Learn what to expect in the immediate aftermath of childbirth, including initial bonding, newborn assessments, and the early stages of breastfeeding.
43Making a Bottle for Your BabyVideo lesson
Learn the proper techniques for preparing and feeding your baby with a bottle, including sterilisation and formula preparation.
44Demo Bottle Feed & Bathing Your BabyVideo lesson
Gain practical skills through demonstrations on feeding and bathing your newborn, ensuring you feel confident and prepared for hands on care.
45How to Sterilise Feeding EquipmentText lesson
Ensure your baby's feeding equipment is clean and safe with guidance on proper sterilisation methods for bottles, nipples, and breast pump parts.
46First 24 Hours After BirthVideo lesson
Get practical tips and guidance for the first day with your newborn, including feeding, diapering, and monitoring your baby's health and wellbeing.
47The First 24 Hours (Info)Text lesson
Get practical tips and guidance for the first day with your newborn, including feeding, diapering, and monitoring your baby's health and wellbeing.
48First Few Weeks After BirthVideo lesson
Adjust to the demands of newborn care and recovery from childbirth, with insights into feeding, sleep patterns, and self-care strategies for new parents.
49Caring for Baby in the First Few WeeksText lesson
Understand the basic needs of your newborn and how to meet them effectively in the first few weeks of life.
50Your Body in the First Few WeeksText lesson
Understand the physical changes and recovery process your body undergoes in the weeks following childbirth, with tips for self-care and healing.
51Your Mind in the First Few WeeksText lesson
Navigate the emotional rollercoaster of early parenthood, with strategies for managing postpartum emotions and seeking support when needed.
52Postpartum ChecklistText lesson
Download your postpartum checklist here
53SupportText lesson
Access resources and support networks to help you navigate the challenges of early parenthood, from breastfeeding support groups to postpartum services.
54Baby Sleep Introduction - Blissed Out BabiesVideo lesson
Dive into the world of baby sleep with expert guidance from Blissed Out Babies, as they share insights and strategies for promoting healthy sleep habits.
55Safe Sleep GuidelinesVideo lesson
Learn about safe sleep practices to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and create a safe sleep environment for your baby.
56Safe Sleep TipsText lesson
Discover practical tips for promoting safe sleep, including room temperature, bedding recommendations, and creating a consistent bedtime routine.
57Tips for Twins & MultiplesText lesson
Navigate the unique challenges of sleep with twins and multiples, with strategies for establishing routines and promoting healthy sleep habits.
58Tips for a Good RoutineVideo lesson
Establish a predictable bedtime routine to signal to your baby that it's time to sleep, promoting relaxation and better sleep quality.
59Fourth Trimester SurvivalVideo lesson
Discover survival tips for navigating the challenges of the fourth trimester, including sleep deprivation, feeding issues, and adjusting to parenthood.
60Sleep in the 4th TrimesterText lesson
Learn about your baby's sleep patterns and needs during the fourth trimester, and find strategies for promoting healthy sleep habits from the start.
61What to Expect in the First YearText lesson
Explore typical sleep patterns and developmental changes in your baby's first year of life, with guidance on creating a supportive sleep environment.
62Tiredness CuesVideo lesson
Learn to recognise your baby's tired cues, such as rubbing eyes or yawning, to help you respond promptly and facilitate smoother transitions to sleep.
63Tired Cue's (Information)Text lesson
Understand the subtle signs and signals that indicate when your baby is tired and ready for sleep, helping you establish healthy sleep routines.
64Myth BustingVideo lesson
Separate fact from fiction with common myths about baby sleep, empowering you to make informed decisions and promote healthy sleep habits for your baby.
65Busting Myths & FAQs (Information)Text lesson
Get answers to frequently asked questions and debunk common myths about baby sleep, providing clarity and reassurance for new parents.
66Reflux and Colic (Information)Text lesson
Learn about reflux and colic in babies, including signs, symptoms, and treatment options, to better understand and support your baby's needs.
67Sleep DiaryText lesson
Keep track of your baby's sleep patterns and behaviours with a sleep diary, helping you identify trends and make adjustments to promote better sleep.
68Putting the Baby DownText lesson
Learn gentle techniques for putting your baby down to sleep, including strategies for transitioning from your arms to the crib or bassinet.
69The Perfect Sleep EnvironmentText lesson
Create a conducive sleep environment for your baby, with tips on room temperature, lighting, and sound to promote restful sleep.
70How to SurviveText lesson
Discover survival tips for managing sleep deprivation and exhaustion as a new parent, prioritising self-care and seeking support when needed.
715 Top Tips Mini First aidVideo lesson
Equip yourself with essential first aid knowledge for common infant emergencies, from CPR to choking prevention and treatment.
72How to give CPR to a Baby Under 1Video lesson
Learn life-saving CPR techniques specifically tailored for infants, including chest compressions and rescue breathing.