YOUTUBE UNIVERSITY: How To Become A Full Time YouTuber!
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You will see real examples of YouTubers showing you exactly how much money they make from their YouTube videos and other income streams.
I will also break down my entire YouTube Income Stream Business Model and show you how in one month, I made over $42,463.85 with exact income stream details! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
I will reveal how I became a 1% YouTuber (99% of YouTubers have less views and subscribers). I will also explain how I survived and thrived in every YouTube Ad Apocalypse, and why it’s important for new creators to GET ON YOUTUBE RIGHT NOW! This is because there are hundreds of billions of dollars sitting on the sidelines waiting to get in from old traditional Television. Half of all big companies still spend money on traditional television ads. I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t watch Television, I watch YouTube. If by any chance I ever do watch TV, I just skip through the commercials, or I look down at my phone as the commercials play. Companies are already preparing to go 100% digital with their ads. When companies start shifting their advertising budgets to online video, the amount of money YouTube Creators earn will skyrocket! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
You want to know how the YouTube Money Making Machine works?
You must know The 8 Ultimate Income Streams For YouTubers! I take a deep dive into every way you can monetize yourself as a YouTube Creator. I walk you through how to create your very own products, and how to build multiple streams of income for yourself. Detailed information is only available after purchase.
Section #4 – YOUTUBE ALGORITHM SECRETS (Understanding The YouTube Algorithm)
The YouTube Algorithm is very hard to crack for new youtubers but I’ve been around the block for over a decade so I know the best techniques that work! You will learn exactly how to make the Algorithm work in your favor to blow you up on the platform! Over the years, I have developed the 5 Triggers Algorithm Formula that works for creators no matter who you are or what types of videos you make. I still get over 100,000 subscribers and millions of views every year on my channel because I understand the secret workings of YouTube Algorithm! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
Section #5 – YOUTUBE SEO HACKS (Video Search Engine Optimization)
In this section, I talk about the SEO tricks I have picked up over the years that I’ve never shared with anyone. Did you know that you can actually STEAL your competitor’s private SEO data, and add it onto your own YouTube videos? I explain in this course, how you can ride the wave of someone else’s successful viral video. I also break down, how making certain types of videos, can get you “shadowbanned” on the YouTube platform. Shadow Ban is when the YouTube Algorithm deranks your videos regardless of performance. I will show you how to avoid these simple mistakes, and stay on YouTube’s good side. Detailed information is only available after purchase.
Section #6 – SPONSORSHIP DOMINATION (How Sponsorships Can Make You Rich on YouTube!)
In this section, I will show you how to find companies that are willing to pay you thousands of dollars per sponsored video! I also show you how I was able to earn $38,000 thousand dollars in 35 days from sponsorships alone! The power of understanding how to do sponsorships can be life changing. My husband and I were able to reach out to a company, and negotiate a deal for both of us to get our teeth done, which was valued at over 60 thousand dollars! Not only were we able to get our teeth done like celebrities, but while doing it, we stayed for two whole weeks, at a 5 star hotel overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. How cool is that?! Companies are willing to pay you to vacation, and get your teeth done!
The crazy thing about it all is, is that the company was happy to do it. All we had to do was create one video review of our experience. The reason the company was so happy to do it is because we brought them more paying customers, and in return they gave us a beautiful smile. Companies don’t do sponsorships for no reason; they do it because they know they can make more money from working with you, than what they spent on you.
In this section, I will dive deep into sales psychology, and teach you powerful negotiation techniques that you can use to make sure companies are paying you your highest value. As a bonus to this section, I also made sure to include my copy and paste sponsorship proposal templates, so you will know exactly what to say when reaching out to companies! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
You will learn how to magnify your personality in a way that attracts millions of viewers to your videos! You do not need to have a personality that is outgoing or hyper, you can be shy and still get millions of views and subscribers! Also, you do not have to have good looks either to become a big YouTuber on the platform and I am going to show you exactly how! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
I will be breaking down all the best strategies, and best practices for growing your YouTube channel. I will teach you my proven Viral Video Strategy by showing you examples of how to make your views skyrocket on your videos! You will learn some great tips on how you can collaborate with big and small YouTubers on YouTube! Throughout this section, I also will be revealing some of my best tips and tricks I learned throughout my years as a YouTuber. Detailed information is only available after purchase.
I will show you how to make videos for free just by using your smartphone with free video editing apps. I will also show you the exact video and audio equipment to buy from Amazon to fit different price budgets starting at a $100usd budget and up! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
There are always pros and cons to using free and paid video editing apps/programs. I’ll walk you through all the paid and free programs you can use for editing from your phone or laptop. I will show you the software I use and give you my best editing & recording hacks to help you create amazing videos at lightning speed! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
Section #11 – THUMBNAIL PSYCHOLOGY: The Subtle Art of The Click!
The #1 most powerful way to get views on all your videos, which ultimately leads to getting droves of subscribers, is to make your thumbnails and video titles very powerful! There is a fine line between making a great thumbnail, verses a bad thumbnail that cause people to scroll past. A thumbnail is a highly clickable picture representing your video, which leads to massive views on your videos, only if done right! There are 5 Thumbnail Principles that you must follow to compete for attention on the YouTube Platform. If your videos are not highly clickable, you will miss out on getting lots of views on your videos! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
Section #12 – YOUTUBE BASICS
I will show you a complete walk-through of the entire YouTube Platform! I also teach you the foundation that all YouTubers should know when getting started on the YouTube platform. We will do a complete walk-through of your brand new YouTube Channel and explore The Creator Studio app. I will also walk you through the application process for Google Adsense so that you can start getting paid as a YouTube Creator! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
You must understand watch time, minutes watched, and watch retention to create videos in a way that gets viewers watching! I will walk you through your analytics using a real life example, so that you know what to do, and what not do when creating YouTube videos. Detailed information is only available after purchase.
As long as your videos honor YouTube’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, you will have zero problems. If you make a mistake and get a strike on your account, I will show you how to fix it in this section! You will also understand fair use, copyright and legal disclaimers and how that impacts you as a YouTube Creator. This information is to make sure that you don’t get into any trouble. This entire section is laid out simply and beginner friendly. After watching this section you will understand how to keep your channel in good standing. You will also understand how to legally protect yourself as a creator on YouTube. Detailed information is only available after purchase.
Students most frequently asked questions will be answered in this section. Also, new lessons will be added whenever YouTube does updates that are helpful to your growth as a Content Creator. The beautiful thing about YouTube University is that it is an ongoing course. As we discover new tips, tricks, and secrets, we will be sharing that information with the community as brand new lesson updates! With new lessons coming out on a continual basis this make YouTube University the most up to date course on the planet! Detailed information is only available after purchase.
4How I Became A Top 1% YouTuberVideo lesson
5How Cats Almost RUINED YouTube!Video lesson
6YouTube SECRETLY Paying Creators?Video lesson
7YouTube Makes INTERNATIONAL News & MCN Vultures Prey On YouTubers!Video lesson
8The YouTube Algorithm Rewards One Hit Wonder VideosVideo lesson
9YouTubers Become Celebrities OVERNIGHT!Video lesson
10TRILLIONS Of Dollars Is Coming To YOUTUBE! (It Will 10x YouTubers Earnings)Video lesson
11How I SURVIVED Every Ad Apocalypse with SECRET Insider InformationVideo lesson
12How The YouTube Money Making Machine WORKS!Video lesson
13When Should You Quit Your Job?Video lesson
148 Ultimate Income Streams For YouTubers!Video lesson
15Donations Income: Getting Your Fans To Send You Things For FREE!Video lesson
16Affiliate Income: Selling Products Automatically Through Your VideosVideo lesson
17Subscription Income: YouTube Join, YouTube Red, Patreon and TwitchVideo lesson
18Sponsorship Income: Getting Companies To Pay For Sponsored VideosVideo lesson
19Digital Products Income: Creating Automatic Downloadable Products For PurchaseVideo lesson
20Coaching Income: Consulting Over Email, Phone and VideoVideo lesson
21Merchandise Income: Your Ecommerce Website, TeeSpring, Spreadshirt and AmazonVideo lesson
22Ecommerce Income: SELF MADE VS Partnering With A Company?Video lesson
23Which Income Streams Are BEST For YouTubers?Video lesson
24How Does The YouTube Platform Work?Video lesson
25Why "Minutes Watched" Is MORE IMPORTANT Than Video Views?Video lesson
26Why YouTube VALUES High Engagement and Niche Creators?Video lesson
27TOP 5 YouTube Algorithm TRIGGERS! (MUST WATCH)Video lesson
28How Many Videos Does YouTube Want You To Upload Weekly?Video lesson
29Highly Clickable Thumbnails VS Bad Thumbnails! (REAL EXAMPLES)Video lesson
30Using YouTube Search Auto-fill and Web Searches For THE BEST VIDEO TITLES!Video lesson
31Trendy VS Evergreen Creators WHICH IS BEST FOR YOUTUBE?Video lesson
32Minutes Watched + Watch Retention = WATCH TIME! (Very Important Tips)Video lesson
33VIEWS VS SUBSCRIBERS? Which One Is MORE IMPORTANT To The YouTube Algorithm?Video lesson
34How To Make YouTube PRIORITIZE Your Videos and Channel ON THE PLATFORM!Video lesson
35Google Keyword Planner + Google Trends (ADVANCED TECHNIQUE)Video lesson
36BUZZFEED For Video Title IDEAS!Video lesson
37Does Click Bait SUPPRESS Video Success and Channel Performance?Video lesson
38AMAZING Video Description Tips For SEO GAINS!Video lesson
39How To STEAL Your Competitors Successful Video Tags (MY SECRET METHOD)Video lesson
40What Does Shadow Ban Mean?Video lesson
41Social Blade REVEALS Top YouTubers and Their ADSENSE REVENUE!Video lesson
42VidIQ Ranks TOP Videos Currently Performing THE BEST On YouTube!Video lesson
43TubeBuddy For Managing Your YouTube Channel and VideosVideo lesson
44Good Artists Copy But Great Artists STEAL VIRAL VIDEOS For InspirationVideo lesson
45Repeat Your Successful Videos For MORE VIEWS and SUBSCRIBER GROWTH!Video lesson
46Brands Deals + Brand Intergrations For Sponsored VideosVideo lesson
47Social Blue Book For Calculating Your Best Sponsorship RatesVideo lesson
48FameBit For EASY Paid Sponsorship DealsVideo lesson
49Which Companies Are Currently Sponsoring SIMILAR Creators Like You? (SUPER EASYVideo lesson
50Finding Companies That Align With Your Brand and Content (MY TECHNIQUES)Video lesson
51How To Get In Touch With Companies Without Email Contacts?Video lesson
52The Best Sponsorship Email Proposal Message! (MY PERSONAL FORMULA)Video lesson
53How I Made Exactly $38k In 35 Days FROM JUST DOING SPONSORSHIPS ALONE!Video lesson
54How To Prevent Companies From SCAMMING YOU! (My Secret Negotiation Techniques)Video lesson
55Should You Hire A Talent/Brand Manager?Video lesson
56The DARK SIDE Of Sponsored Videos Part 1 - YouTube Will Penalize You!Video lesson
57The DARK SIDE Of Sponsored Videos Part 2 - Don't Become a SELL OUT!Video lesson
58What Is A BRAND and Why Is It IMPORTANT?Video lesson
59String Your Viewers Along To Keep Them Interested In YouVideo lesson
60Crafting A POWERFUL Video Introduction For Your Fans!Video lesson
61Should You Say SWEAR WORDS In Your YouTube Videos?Video lesson
62Structuring Your Video Editing Style To Match Your ContentVideo lesson
63How Branded Thumbnails Leads To INCREASED VIDEO VIEWS!Video lesson
64Create A UNIQUE Brand Name For Your FANS!Video lesson
65Create A BRANDED Playlist Series For INCREASED WATCH TIME!Video lesson
66Follow Your Passions OR Content That Gets The MOST VIEWS on YouTube?Video lesson
67Satisfy Your Fans OR The YouTube ALGORITHM?Video lesson
68The Best Growth Philosophy For New YouTubers?Video lesson
69Commenting On Music Videos For EASY CHANNEL TRAFFIC!Video lesson
70Why Does YouTube Put Your Channel IN A NICHE BOX?Video lesson
71SPEED UP Your YouTube SUCCESS By Re-creating Your HIT VIDEOS!Video lesson
72Voice Over Videos IS THE NEW CONTENT WAVEVideo lesson
73Why Distractions Will RUIN Your ChannelVideo lesson
74RapidTags Generator - The BEST Keywords For VIDEO TITLES and Video TagsVideo lesson
75The POWER Of Crowd Psychology and How It Affects The Success Of Your VIDEOS!Video lesson
76The DANGERS Of Parasocial Relationships Between You and Your FansVideo lesson
77Upload 1 AMAZING Video Once a Week OR 7 BAD Videos Every Day Of The Week?Video lesson
78The BEST VIRAL VIDEO STRATEGY on YouTube?Video lesson
79My PROVEN Viral Video Strategy! (DETAILED Video Break-Down Example)Video lesson
80How To Collaborate With "YouTubers On The Rise"Video lesson
81You Can Have Unfair Advantages Using NEW YOUTUBE FEATURES!Video lesson
82YouTubers Who Teach Creators How To Be BETTER CREATORS!Video lesson
83Schedule Your Videos Ahead TO STAY CONSISTENT!Video lesson
84What Happens When You Get 660 Minutes Watched In A DAY On Your YouTube Channel?Video lesson
85CLICK FRAUD Will Make You LOSE Your YOUTUBE ADSENSE!Video lesson
86Replying To Comments Gets You MORE Returning Views on Your Next Videos!Video lesson
87The #1 Reason Why The HOME FEED Is How Viewers FIND YOUR VIDEOS!Video lesson
88Why The TOP CREATORS Treat Their Channel Like A Business?Video lesson
89How Long Does It Take For The YOUTUBE Algorithm To Start Promoting Your Channel?Video lesson