Game-based Learning Design
- Description
- Curriculum
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If you’re an Instructional Designer or e-learning developer looking to innovate in the sector and set yourself apart from the competition, this course is for you! At Gamelearn, we want to make learning fun again and we believe that Serious Games are the most effective and engaging way to bring the fun back into corporate training.
Create Immersive Learning Experiences that Boost your Business
Utilize the game-based learning methodology to maximum effect
Master a cutting-edge authoring tool to create your own Serious Game without writing a single line of code
Leverage storytelling and simulations for better retention
Impact your learners with high-quality content
Gain insights into the unique tools for teaching and learning
Learn the optimal process for game development
Focus on what matters, the learning objective.
You will gain all the knowledge and tools necessary to start creating Serious Games for your clients or employees
It’s common knowledge that we learn more by doing than by observing or being told. This is reflected in the 70:20:10 model, which posits that only 10% of learning actually occurs during formal training, while the vast majority happens on the job. So why focus most of our e-learning development on lectures and presentations?
Learning by doing means being able to learn from our mistakes. But this isn’t always practical in the real world, the game-based learning methodology provides real-life simulations that allow us to learn by doing in a safe environment. That means students can make all the mistakes they need to learn, without the real-life consequences.
At Gamelearn, we’ve been utilizing game-based learning to its maximum potential to create and deliver award-winning Serious Sames for over 15 years. With this course, we want to share our infallible game-based learning formula for creating Serious Games with you.
In this Game-based Learning Design course, you’ll gain in-depth knowledge of game-based learning, the methodology behind Serious Sames, and how to get the most out of it. By the end of it, you’ll have all the techniques, tools, and tips to create an engaging and effective Serious Game.
9Phase 1 IntroductionText lesson
10Step 1: Choosing what to teachVideo lesson
11Action MappingText lesson
12Step 2: Edit and ReduceVideo lesson
13Cognitive load theoryText lesson
14Step 3: Order and OrganiseVideo lesson
15Learning modelsVideo lesson
16Learning models examplesText lesson
17Quiz Phase 1Quiz
18Phase 2: IntroductionText lesson
19Step 4: Define how to practiceVideo lesson
20Editor blocks for practiceVideo lesson
21Example : How to use the content to start designing your gameVideo lesson
22Step 5: Draft the storyVideo lesson
23Storytelling for learningText lesson
24Anatomy of a StoryText lesson
255 steps to createText lesson
26Game example : building blocks for storytellingVideo lesson
27Step 6: Create your lessonsVideo lesson
28How to write the perfect lessonText lesson
29Game example : how to present different types of learning materialVideo lesson
30Quiz Phase 2Quiz
31The EditorText lesson
32How to access EditorVideo lesson
33The Script tab and Basic controlsVideo lesson
34The Library and how to upload your assetsVideo lesson
35How to preview the game and players viewVideo lesson
36How to position elements in scenesVideo lesson
37Building a SceneVideo lesson
38Setting tabVideo lesson
39Information tabVideo lesson
40Translation tabVideo lesson
41Points systemVideo lesson
42How to build a flowVideo lesson
43The 5 elementsText lesson
44Building blocks for contentVideo lesson
45Building Block - DialogVideo lesson
46Building blocks - Comic and PlacardVideo lesson
47Building blocks - Comic and Placard 2Video lesson
48Navigation: Moving to a new SceneVideo lesson
49Navigation: Communicating with your playerVideo lesson
50Navigation: Moving to the next levelVideo lesson
51Initial state/Inactive/Invisible - Activate and deactivate elements in a sceneVideo lesson
52Pick up and drag objectsVideo lesson
53Minigame: Clickable ImageVideo lesson
54Minigames 2Video lesson
55Minigames 3Video lesson
56Minigames 4Video lesson
57Minigames 5Video lesson
58Minigames 6Video lesson
59Minigames 7Video lesson
60Minigames 8Video lesson
61Minigames 9Video lesson
62Minigames 10Video lesson
63Minigames 11Video lesson