How to Build a Minecraft Server
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This is the How to Build a Minecraft Server course..
This course is designed for:
All skill levels
- Learners who would like to know what it takes and how to install, manage, and maintain a Minecraft Server of their own in Windows or Linux operating systems.
- Learners with children and concerns for their safety when playing Minecraft.
This course introduces users to the steps necessary to download, install, configure, run, and manage their own Minecraft server. After reviewing server operating system and hardware requirements and even a how to for creating a VMware virtualized option (in case suitable spare hardware doesn’t exist), students will be guided with a step by step approach detailing:
- how to download
- how to install Minecraft server
- how to install Java (required to run Minecraft server)
- how to configure Minecraft server
- how to start and stop the Minecraft server
- how to connect the Minecraft game clients to the server
- how to use the Minecraft server console with some of the more common console management commands for Minecraft server
Students will also be provided with some additional advanced Minecraft server topics like:
- creating startup scripts
- taking backups of Minecraft files and worlds
- steps to upgrade your Minecraft software
- how to work with worlds (think of worlds as maps)
- opening up your network to allow external players from outside of your house
- things to consider when deciding to leave your Minecraft server up full time including recommendations to keep the Minecraft server more secure
- basic troubleshooting for your Minecraft server
Each lecture provides you with step by step process and commands (where applicable) to complete the installation and management of your Minecraft server.
If you view this course from end to end, it will take you over 4 hours to complete across more than 30 lectures. If you intended to build your Minecraft server by following along, it could add another 1-2 hours to completing this course depending on your skill level.
This course has been designed so that you can follow along step by step installing your own Minecraft server in Windows or Linux operating systems.
You should take this course if you have a desire to download, install, operate, and manage your own Minecraft server in Windows or Linux operating systems (sorry, Windows Server and Mac operating systems are not provided in this course, though Windows concepts for installing, managing, and running Java as well as setting a static IP should be the same or very similar to the configurations necessary in a Windows server environment). Parents concerned about letting their children play on public Minecraft servers where anyone can play, and use inappropriate language, bully, stalk, or otherwise unnecessarily harass or follow your children will also benefit from this class by learning to build a Minecraft server they can control to help keep their kids safe.
Don’t forget, the software to run your own Minecraft server is free of charge. You don’t have to pay to download or run your own Minecraft server.
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Introduction to the instructor and how he became involved in Minecraft and why there was a need to create a local, home Minecraft server.
2Reason for Creating a Local Minecraft ServerVideo lesson
In this lecture, more details are shared with why the instructor felt the need and importance of creating a local Minecraft server.
3Minimum RequirementsVideo lesson
This lecture will discuss, at a high-level, what the requirements are for running a Minecraft server.
4Requirements for a Minecraft ServerVideo lesson
This lecture will discuss in more details the Minecraft server requirements for Windows and Linux operating systems.
5Spare HardwareVideo lesson
Students will learn about the option to utilize spare hardware that they might have laying around.
6Virtual MachinesVideo lesson
Students will learn about three virtualization options available to them (VMware, Virtualbox, and Microsoft) to creating their Minecraft server in a virtual environment if suitable space hardware isn't available.
7Create a Virtual Machine with VMware Player Version 7.1.2Video lesson
Student will view a step by step walkthrough on how to us VMware Player version 7.1.2, to create a virtual environment for which they can use to setup their Minecraft server.
8Operating System Installation OverviewVideo lesson
In this lecture, operating system options are discussed as well as introducing the Linux variant that will be used throughout this course, Ubuntu Linux.
9Configure Static IP Address - OverviewVideo lesson
Students will learn some of the basics about getting information necessary to setup their static IP address for their Minecraft server.
10Example of AT&T Uverse 2Wire RG 3801HGV Static IP AssisgnmentVideo lesson
The AT&T 2Wire Gateway, RG3801HGV, is used to demonstrate how to assign a static IP address on the router.
11Configure Static IP Address - WindowsVideo lesson
Students will be able to setup a simple static IP address in Windows for their Minecraft server.
12Configure Static IP Address - Linux Ubuntu DesktopVideo lesson
Students will be able to setup a simple static IP address in Linux Ubuntu Desktop for their Minecraft server.
13Configure Static IP Address - Linux Ubuntu ServerVideo lesson
Students will be able to setup a simple static IP address in Linux Ubuntu Server for their Minecraft server.
14Downloading and Installing Minecraft Server - WindowsVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, students will learn what steps to take to download Minecraft server for Windows.
15Downloading and Installing Minecraft Server - Linux Ubuntu DesktopVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, students will learn what steps to take to download Minecraft server for Linux Ubuntu Desktop.
16Downloading and Installing Minecraft Server - Linux Ubuntu ServerVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, students will learn what steps to take to download Minecraft server for Linux Ubuntu Server.
17Installing Java for Windows and LinuxVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, students will know what steps to take for downloading and installing Java for Windows and Linux.
18Running the Minecraft Server for the First TimeVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, students will know what steps to take for starting up their Minecraft server for the first time.
19Configuring the Minecraft Server server.propertiesVideo lesson
Students will learn about the values in the and what values they should assign on their file.
20Starting up your Minecraft Server for Actual UseVideo lesson
Students will have learned in previous lectures that even though they started up the server, it wasn't ready for users yet - until now. This lecture will show students how to once again start the server, this time, to accept any incoming connections to play on the server.
21Connecting Minecraft Game Clients to your Minecraft ServerVideo lesson
Students will learn the basics of connecting Minecraft game clients to the Minecraft server the student has created.
22Managing Your Running Minecraft Server with a few CommandsVideo lesson
Now that the server is up and running, students will be given some of the more common and important commands to operate their Minecraft server and users who connect to it.
23Creating a Linux Startup Script or Windows Shortcut to Start Minecraft ServerVideo lesson
Students will learn the basic simple steps necessary to create a shortcut, batch, or script file for running Minecraft server.
24Minecraft Server Backups - OverviewVideo lesson
Students will be given a high-level about backing up their Minecraft installations.
25Minecraft Server Backups - WindowsVideo lesson
Students will learn how to backup the Minecraft server on the Windows operating system.
26Minecraft Server Backups - LinuxVideo lesson
Students will learn how to backup the Minecraft server on the Linux operating system.
27Upgrading Your Minecraft Server Version - OverviewVideo lesson
In this lecture, students will be introduced, at a high level, the process of upgrading their Minecraft server.
28Upgrading Your Minecraft Server Version - WindowsVideo lesson
In this lecture, students will be shown the process of upgrading their Minecraft server in Windows.
29Upgrading Your Minecraft Server Version - LinuxVideo lesson
In this lecture, students will be shown the process of upgrading their Minecraft server in Linux
30Managing Your Minecraft WorldsVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, students should be comfortable working with and managing their worlds - Remember - Minecraft worlds can be transferred from server to server, server to game client, game client to server, and game client to game client.
31Opening Up Your Network to Allow External Players (Firewall)Video lesson
This lecture will focus on opening up your Firewall using the Pinhole setup on the AT&T Router Gateway 3801GHV.
32Want to Leave Your Minecraft Server Up Full-time?Video lesson
This lecture will discuss some of the concerns about leaving a Minecraft server up full-time.
33Troubleshooting your Minecraft Server - Part 1Video lesson
Part 1 of 2 lectures on troubleshooting your Minecraft server and any problems that might arise.
34Troubleshooting your Minecraft Server - Part 2Video lesson
Part 2 of 2 lectures on troubleshooting your Minecraft server and any problems that might arise.