In-Depth Video Editing in DaVinci Resolve 19
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
The most IN-DEPTH and BEGINNER FRIENDLY course about Video Editing in DaVinci Resolve of the Udemy platform.
Teacher with more than 6 years of experience in DaVinci Resolve and more 15 years in Video Editing.
Learn how to edit GREAT VIDEOS using this PROFESSIONAL and FREE software with very well thought out and produced classes to make you LEARN EASILY.
Memorize better the knowledge through GUIDED EXERCISES, an exclusive type of exercise designed specially to help you fix even more the contents of the course.
Practice making MANY PROJECTS with me along the course to have real examples of how to use the tools to produce very eye catching editing.
Get PRO TIPS from my 6+ years of experience in DaVinci Resolve that will speed up your workflow.
Take advantage of the HIGH QUALITY MEDIAS provided by me to practice your own editings, including videos, music, sound effects and overlays, being more 250 royalty free medias.
Use the READY TIMELINES provided by me as references for your practice.
Learn the theory behind the Color Grading process and how to do Color Management in practice.
What you will learn IN DETAILS:
– Know how to edit your video professionally and quickly.
– Modify and animate clip attributes such as zoom, position, rotation and others.
– Insertion of animated texts (technique known as kinetic typography).
– Make amazing video transitions, including the very customizable matte transitions.
– Add music and sound effects to videos synchronously.
– Create professional slow motions using the Optical Flow tool and speed points.
– Use composite modes for artistic purposes.
– Learn how to use proxy media and render cache to improve editing performance in DaVinci Resolve.
– Detect scene cuts automatically to split already edited clips.
– Create transition presets to reuse.
– Keep all your video project organized using metadata, filters, bins and smart bins.
– Edit clips with frame-by-frame precision.
– Animate clips with dynamic zoom.
– Use overlays and composite modes to enrich the look of your videos or create modern, eye-catching transitions.
– Create custom transparencies in videos with Alpha and Luma compositions.
– Create Motion Paths to define the trajectory of images that move across the screen.
– Synchronize animated effects with music beats and sound effects to create a highly immersive video.
– Use adjustment clips to make super-fast copies of animations from one clip to another.
– Create, export and import subtitles.
And much more!
This is a super complete and extensive course that aims to take you from zero to advanced in video editing (please check out the curriculum above).
The course has concentrated content, very well explained, step by step, at a great pace, so you can learn a lot without wasting time. There are more than 8 hours of video classes where you will learn something new every time.
No prior knowledge of video editing is necessary, as I will teach you everything from the beginning.
If you liked, enroll now and start learning DaVinci Resolve today with me!
1Welcome and How to download DaVinci Resolve latest FREE versionVideo lesson
How to download DaVinci Resolve 18 or later (FREE version) from the OFICIAL page for your system.
2Getting to know the DaVinci Resolve interfaceVideo lesson
Your first touch with the GREAT and PROFESSIONAL DaVinci Resolve's interface.
Start to feel comfortable using the software with this lesson.
3Setting up your project and preferencesVideo lesson
Start well by setting up the main configurations needed for your project to work the way you want.
4Understanding the Media page interfaceVideo lesson
Get used with the Media page interface and know what's the purpose of the first page of DaVinci Resolve.
5Importing your mediaVideo lesson
You need now to import your media, so you can organize your project to start the assembly and the editings of your video.
6Removing media from the media poolVideo lesson
Understand the importance of removing the media from your Media Pool the right way.
7Previewing your media on the Media pageVideo lesson
It's crucial to know how to preview your media in the Media Pool to review what clips you have.
8Improving the preview with Proxy MediaVideo lesson
Sometimes you can get a choppy preview and playback, and this lesson will help you to improve the preview for a very smooth playback.
9Creating SubclipsVideo lesson
Don't want to deal with a big clip everytime you need a part of it? Then the subclips will help you with that.
10Scene cut detectionVideo lesson
Do you have an already edited video with many scene cuts, and want to split that clip in many others automatically?
DaVinci Resolve will help you with the Scene Cut Detection feature.
11Adding metadataVideo lesson
Metadata are informations about your clips inside the own clip's file, and they can be used to organize and search your media in many useful ways inside DaVinci Resolve, specially if you have a lot of media in a big project.
12Using Smart binsVideo lesson
Make automatic and smart organizations of your media using smart bins and metadata combined.
13Sorting and searching for clipsVideo lesson
Use many clips' attributes and metadata to search and sort them, so you can find them much easier.
14Knowledge test of the Section 1Quiz
Here we are going to evaluate your knowledge about the fundamentals of DaVinci Resolve.
15Getting to know the Cut page interfaceVideo lesson
Here you will know the first page where you can create your video and make your editings.
16Importing media on the Cut pageVideo lesson
It's possible to import media in the Cut page too, and this lesson will help you to this very easy.
Importing media on the Cut page is specially recommended when you have only a few clips to import.
17Navigating bins and moving mediaVideo lesson
You need to know how to navigate well in your bins and move your media between them when you want to rethink your organization.
18Creating timelinesVideo lesson
Configure and create how many timelines you want inside your project to start making your editings.
19Inserting media into the timelineVideo lesson
Have total control over the way you insert media into your timelines.
20Shortcuts to insert media in the timelineVideo lesson
Do you want to insert media faster and easier into your timelines? This lessons will teach you THE BEST shortcuts to make that and to improve your PRODUCTIVITY.
21Removing media from the timelineVideo lesson
You need not only to insert your media into the timeline, but you can also need to remove them sometimes. There are some tricks on doing this, and I will teach all the details in this lesson.
22Changing clips’ position in the timelineVideo lesson
Does your clip is not at the position that you really want? No problem, let's see how to reposition them in many ways.
23Guided exercise 1 (Practice with me!)Video lesson
Practice your new knowledges about DaVinci Resolve with this VERY NICE guided exercise, where I will be your director asking you to make some basic editings in the timeline.
24Adding and deleting new tracksVideo lesson
You can use how many tracks you want in DaVinci Resolve to make your editings shine!
25Trimming clips in the timelineVideo lesson
Your clips should be exactly the size that you want them to be in the timeline, so this lesson will teach you how to trim clips to reduce or expand them.
26Sliping a clipVideo lesson
27Splitting clipsVideo lesson
28Using markers on the timelineVideo lesson
29Changing clip attributesVideo lesson
30Transform AttributesVideo lesson
31Cropping AttributesVideo lesson
32Importing and Exporting Timelines (and how to deal with Offline Media)Video lesson
33Presentation of the Drones ProjectVideo lesson
34Image Scaling OptionsVideo lesson
35Dynamic ZoomVideo lesson
36Composite modesVideo lesson
37Edit page interface overall lookVideo lesson
38Organization in the Media PoolVideo lesson
39Edit page viewerVideo lesson
40Controlling the zoom of the timelineVideo lesson
41Assembling the timeline on the Edit PageVideo lesson
42Edit modesVideo lesson
43A practical use of the Blade edit modeVideo lesson
44Moving with precisionVideo lesson
45Repositioning clips on the timelineVideo lesson
46Link between clipsVideo lesson
47Removing clips from the timelineVideo lesson
48What’s Alpha Channel and Luminance informationVideo lesson
49Foreground, Alpha and Luma composite modesVideo lesson
50Speed changeVideo lesson
51Slow motion style editingVideo lesson
52Motion EstimationVideo lesson
53Guided Exercise 2Video lesson
54Retime controlsVideo lesson
55Speed pointsVideo lesson
56Additional Input Size TipsVideo lesson
57Stabilizing videosVideo lesson
58Lens correction - 2 optionsVideo lesson
59Resize filterVideo lesson
60Super Scale (Studio version only)Video lesson
67What are Keyframes and interpolationVideo lesson
68Resetting attributes vs Removing ALL KeyframesVideo lesson
69Assembling the Drones ProjectVideo lesson
70Animating the opening of the Drones ProjectVideo lesson
71Attributes animation in the Elephant Dramatic timelineVideo lesson
72Replacing clips in the Elephant Dramatic.drt timelineVideo lesson
73Correcting the syncronization of the Lions’ ClipVideo lesson
74Smoothing the animationVideo lesson
75Repositioning KeyframesVideo lesson
76Reversing the animationVideo lesson
77Finishing the Elephants EditingVideo lesson
78Copying attributes to other clipsVideo lesson
79Motion paths on the Edit pageVideo lesson
80Finding media in your folder structureVideo lesson
81Finishing the little bee projectVideo lesson