Mastering Variables in Articulate Storyline 360
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Once you’ve mastered all the basics in Articulate Storyline 360 (slides, media, states, layers, triggers, and quizzes), it’s time to take your skills–and your courses–to the next level. You can do that with variables. But mastering variables can be elusive for many. What can variables do? How do you know if you need them? How do you set them up properly?
In this course, you’ll have a chance learn just how powerful (and not so intimidating) variables can be. You’ll learn when to use text variables, number variables, and true/false variables with real-world examples such as personalizing a scenario, adding badges and points, as well as customizing content and navigation.
You’ll walk step by step through nine examples (three of each type of variable) moving from simple to complex. Throughout these activities, you’ll learn how to enhance your e-learning course with personalization, gamification, conditional logic, dynamic content, and more!
The course takes 6 to 9 hours to complete, which includes watching the 3.5 hours of video demonstrations and completing the practice activities yourself.
This course is brought to you by E-Learning Uncovered, powered by Artisan Learning, a custom learning design firm. Visit the Artisan Learning website to learn more.
1Welcome and Course OverviewVideo lesson
2Understanding VariablesVideo lesson
Learn about the basic concepts behind variables. What are they for and why might you use them?
3Create, Adjust, Use: The 3-Step Process for Working With VariablesVideo lesson
How is working with variables like planning on office birthday party? Find out as you learn the three-step process for working with variables.
4How to Use the Exercise FilesVideo lesson
To get the most out of this course, follow along yourself with the practice files. Download the .zip file, save it to your computer, and then unzip it. You'll find the Storyline files for each practice activity so you can try it all out for yourself. There's also a workbook that outlines what to do after each demonstration lesson. Please note there is an updated workbook (v2), where the step-by-step guidance on the practice files now has screen captures from the new and the original trigger wizard.
5Understanding Text VariablesVideo lesson
Learn all about what text variables are and what they can do.
6Example 1 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of the "elevator speech" activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
7Capture a Text Answer and Save ItVideo lesson
Get started with text variables by adding a text entry box where learners can type their answer, and you can store it for later use.
Be sure to download the practice files (see Lecture 4) so you can try it yourself.
8Show a Learner's Answer Back to ThemVideo lesson
Now that you've captured the learner's typed answer, you can show it back to them on the next slide.
9Example 2 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of this activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
10Personalize a Scenario With the Learner's NameVideo lesson
Create a text entry box to capture the learner's name, and then incorporate that name into the scenario.
11Let the Learner Choose an Avatar (Part 1)Video lesson
Begin setting up the option for learners to choose an avatar by thinking through the logic and creating the variable.
12Let the Learner Choose an Avatar (Part 2)Video lesson
Continue setting up the avatar choice by capturing the learner's preference when they click on an avatar.
13Swap out the Graphics With the Learner's ChoiceVideo lesson
Finish setting up the avatar choice by updating the graphics throughout, based on the learner's choice.
14Require Learners to Type in a Text Entry BoxVideo lesson
Add some extra logic so that learner's can't move forward without having typed in a name.
15Example 3 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of this activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
16Capture Learner Data to Use for BranchingVideo lesson
Think through the logic for setting up the branching, and create the variable used to store the learner's selection.
17Set up Conditional Branching NavigationVideo lesson
Modify the next button so it goes to the content that's appropriate for a given learner.
18Require the Learner to Make a Selection Before ContinuingVideo lesson
Add some extra logic so that the learners can't move forward without making a selection.
19Summary: Working With Text VariablesVideo lesson
Review what you've learned so far about working with variables.
20Understanding True/False VariablesVideo lesson
Learn all about true/false variables and what they can do.
21Example 1 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of this activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
22Create a Toggle Button to Capture Learner Data (Part 1)Video lesson
Plan out the logic and create the variable to track the learner's response.
23Create a Toggle Button to Capture Learner Data (Part 2)Video lesson
Capture the learner's setting when they click a toggle button.
24Create a Toggle Button to Capture Learner Data (Part 3)Video lesson
Set up the toggle button to reflect the learner's setting.
25Dynamically Change Content Based on Learner InputVideo lesson
Dynamically adjust content on layers based on the learner's setting.
26Example 2 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of this activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
27Create Variables to Track CompletionVideo lesson
Plan out the logic and create the variables to track when a learner completes a scene.
28Mark Sections as CompleteVideo lesson
Add logic to the end of each scene to mark that the learner has completed it.
29Update the Status Icons Based on CompletionVideo lesson
Update the icons on the main menu to reflect that the learner has completed the scene.
30Allow the Learner to Move Forward Once Everything Is CompleteVideo lesson
Enable a Continue button once the learner has successfully completed each section.
31Example 3 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of this activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
32Create a Variable for Each BadgeVideo lesson
Plan out the logic and create the variables for each of the badges.
33Use Question Feedback Layers to Earn a BadgeVideo lesson
Add triggers to the question feedback layers to indicate the learner has earned a badge.
34Show a Badge Once It Is EarnedVideo lesson
Show the badge once the learner has earned it.
35Carry Over Earned Badges From Slide to SlideVideo lesson
Ensure that the earned badges stay up throughout the rest of the activity.
36Summary: Working With True/False VariablesVideo lesson
Review what you've learned about true/false variables.
37Understanding Number VariablesVideo lesson
Learn about number variables and what they can do.
38Example 1 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of this activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
39Create a Point CounterVideo lesson
Plan out the logic and create the variable for keeping track of how many issues the learner has found.
40Add Points to the Score (Part 1)Video lesson
Add one point to the score when the learner identifies one of the issues.
41Add Points to the Score (Part 2)Video lesson
Add extra logic to make sure the learner can't earn extra points.
42Award a Badge When Enough Points Are EarnedVideo lesson
Show a badge once the learners have found all of the issues in the image.
43Bonus Tip: Prevent the Hand Cursor From Giving Away the AnswerVideo lesson
Use this simple trick to keep the learner from figuring out where the issues are just by moving their mouse around.
44Example 2 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of this activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
45Create and Configure SlidersVideo lesson
Create and configure two sliders--including a little-known formatting trick.
46Figuring out the MathVideo lesson
Work through the calculations needed to run the math and create the variables you'll need.
47Set up the First EquationVideo lesson
Set up the first trigger to get the calculations started.
48Continue Setting up the MathVideo lesson
Set up the rest of the triggers to complete the calculations.
49Example 3 IntroductionVideo lesson
Get an overview of this activity, including what the finished example looks like, what's already built, and what you'll learn along the way.
50Roll the Dice (Part 1)Video lesson
Add a motion path to the dice to create the "roll" effect.
51Roll the Dice (Part 2)Video lesson
Generate a random value between 1 and 6 each time the learner rolls.
52Roll the Dice (Part 3)Video lesson
Show the correct side of the dice cube based on the rolled value.
53Create a Point CounterVideo lesson
Create a variable to track and show the learner's running score.
54Add Points to the ScoreVideo lesson
When the learner gets the question right, add the rolled dice value to their running score.
55Set up Branching to the Results SlideVideo lesson
Branch to the congratulations slide once the learner has earned enough points to win.
56Set up Custom Results Slide LogicVideo lesson
Customize the results slide to use your game's point system instead of the standard quiz scoring logic.
57Summary: Working with Number VariablesVideo lesson
Review what you've learned about number variables.