Moodle and Gamification
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course is all about using Moodle tools and plugins to Gamify your Moodle courses.
This course has been split up into various different sections.
I’m going to begin the course by showing learner’s how to create their own Moodle instance on their own computer. This will be used throughout the course so that you can test and try all of the things I teach you. I will explain what gamificaiton is, and how it is used in the introduction to Gamifcation lesson.
The Moodle Gamification Tools section focuses on Activity Completion and Restrict Access, looking at criteria that can be used in a gamfication context. A lesson on Course Completion finishes this section.
We then move on to Moodle Quiizes and Gamification and i will show learners how to configure the Gradebook, User Reports and Moodle Quizzes so that they can be used to gamify your courses. An example lesson of how to gamify a moodle course using built in Moodle tools completes the section.
The Level Up Plugin is one of the most powerful gamification tools and i will show learners how to setup and configure the Level up plugin the Level Up Availablty Plugin and the Level Up Enrolment Plugin – with examples of each plugin as well.
The Stash Plugin is looked at in the next section of the course, and ill show learners how to download and install each of the plugins available – Stash, Stash Enrolment and Stash Availabilty, and of course, show you some amazing examples of how to use all three plugins in combination.
Next up – the Badges Section – where i will show you how to install and configure Moodle Badges – including Site and Course Badges, with several example lessons, and even how to design your own badges!
The penultimate section covers Other Moodle Gamification Tools, including the Quizventure Plugin – a plugin that allows you to play Space Invaders in Moodle and the Completion Progress Plugin will be looked at too.
The final section investigates H5P and Gamification, and we shall look at H5P Interactive Videos, Columns and Course Presentations and how they can be used to gamfiy your course, as well as H5P Quizzes and H5P games.
So, if you want to learn a bit more about Moodle and gamification, why not sign up today?
1Welcome to the course!Video lesson
This video from your tutor Ben Audsley, welcomes students to the course.
2Installing Moodle on your own PCVideo lesson
In this lesson, I shall show learners how to install Moodle on their computer.
3Installing Moodle on your own computer - 2023Video lesson
I have added this video in order to address the fact that bitnami no longer allow a windows/mac local version of Moodle. Use this video to install Moodle 4+ on your own computer.
4What is Gamification?Video lesson
This lesson will explain what gamification is, and explain the concepts and practicalities of gamifying a Moodle course.
5Game based theory vs GamificationVideo lesson
This lesson focuses on the differences between games (and game based theory) and gamification.
6Planning gamificationVideo lesson
Planning any gamfication is essential, and in this lesson, ill show learners how to plan for gamifying a Moodle course.
7Introduction to Moodle Gamification ToolsVideo lesson
In this introduction video, I shall discuss the lesoons within this section.
8Activity CompletionVideo lesson
This lesson focuses on activity completion - how it used and how to setup completion criteria.
9Activity Completion and GamificationVideo lesson
Using activity completion can assist you in gamfying your course - this lesson will show you how this is done.
10Restrict AccessVideo lesson
Moodle allows you to restrict access to activities and resources, and this lesson will focus on restriction criteria and configuration of the restrict access functionality.
11Restrict Access and GamificationVideo lesson
The focus of this lesson is how the restrict access functionality can help gamfiy your Moodle course.
12Course CompletionVideo lesson
When is a course complete? How do you configure criteria to make the course complete? This lesson will answer these questions.
13Introduction to Moodle Quizzes and GamificationVideo lesson
In this introduction video, I shall discuss the lessons within this section.
14Moodle Quizzes and GamificationVideo lesson
How can Moole quizzes be used to gamify your course? This lesson focuses on answering this question.
15User Report and GamificationVideo lesson
User reports are a great way of dispalying learners Grades, Scores and Rankings - and ill show you how to set this up in this lesson.
16Moodle Gradebook and GamificationVideo lesson
Configured correctly, the Moodle Gradebook can be extremely useful for gamification and in this lesson, ill show you how to configure the gradeook with gamificaiton in mind.
17The Activity Results BlockVideo lesson
In this lesson ill show learners how to configure the activity results block to show ranked quiz results.
18Moodle and Gamifcation ExampleVideo lesson
In this example lesson, ill show learners some examples os using quizzes, the gradebook, user reports and activity results block to gamify a Moodle course.
19Introduction to the Level Up PluginVideo lesson
In this introduction video, I will talk about the Level Up Plugin.
20Installing the Level Up Availability PluginVideo lesson
This lesson will focus on downloading and installing the Level Up Availability plugin.
21Level Up Gamification - SettingsVideo lesson
This lesson will look at the Level up Plugin settings and how the plugin can be configured.
22Installing the Level Up Gamification PluginVideo lesson
This lesson will show learners how to install the Level Up Plugin on to your Moodle instance.
23Level Up Gamification - Rules and Example 1Video lesson
In this lesson, we will investigate the use of rules within the Level Up Plugin, and ill show you some examples of rules being used to Level Up.
24Level Up Gamification - Rules and VisualsVideo lesson
I will show learners how to upload their own level up graphics as well as showing a few more examples of Level Up rules.
25Level Up Availability - ExamplesVideo lesson
In this lesson, I will show learners some examples of how the Level Up Availablity Plugin can be used.
26Installing the Level Up Enrollment PluginVideo lesson
I will show learners how to install the Level Up Enrolment plugin in this lesson.
27Level Up Enrollment - ExamplesVideo lesson
This lesson will focus on some examples of how to use the Level Up Enrolment plugin to enrol students on to multiple courses.
28Combining all 3 Level Up Plugins - Examples - Part 1Video lesson
In this special examples lesson I wil show learners how to combine all 3 Plugins to gamify your Moodle courses.
29Combining all 3 Level Up Plugins - Examples - Part 2Video lesson
Part 2 of the combining all 3 Level Up Plugins lesson.
30Introduction to the Stash PluginVideo lesson
This video introduction will introduce learners to the Stash Plugin.
31Installing the Stash Block PluginVideo lesson
This lesson will focus on downloading and installing the Stash Plugin.
32Stash Plugin - ItemsVideo lesson
In this lesson, we shall look at Stash Items and how they can be created.
33Stash Plugin - Items 2Video lesson
Stash items can be stashed around your Moodle course - this lesson looks at how to do this.
34Installing the Stash Availability PluginVideo lesson
In this lesson, ill show learners how to install the Stash Availability Plugin.
35Stash Availablity - Examples 1Video lesson
This lesson shows some examples of how the Stash Availability Plugin can be used within a Moodle course.
36Stash Availablity - Examples 2Video lesson
More examples of the use of the Stash Availability Plugin.
37Installing the Shortcode Filter PluginVideo lesson
In this lesson, ill show learners how to Install the Shortcodes Plugin - which is essential for trading Stash items.
38Stash Plugin - Multiple Items and TradesVideo lesson
The Stash plugin, in conjunction with the Shortcodes plugin allows students to trade stahs Items! This lesson will show you how this is done.
39Introduction to the Badges SectionVideo lesson
In this introduction video I will discuss the lessons within the Badges section.
40Introduction to BadgesVideo lesson
This lesson introduces Moodle Badges.
41Gamification and BadgesVideo lesson
In this lesson, we discuss how badges can be used within a gamified Moodle course.
42Site BadgesVideo lesson
This lesson focuses on adding and editing Moodle Site Badges.
43Course BadgesVideo lesson
This lesson focuses on adding and editing Moodle Course Badges.
44Badges - Example 1 - Site BadgesVideo lesson
In this examples lesson, I will show learners some examples of the uses of Site Badges.
45Badges - Example 2 - Course BadgesVideo lesson
This examples lesson will focus on the use of Badges within a course - Course Badges.
46Introduction to Other Gamification PluginsVideo lesson
In this introductory video lesson, I will introduce the lessons within the Other gamification Plugins Section, in this introduction video.
47Installing the Completion Progress PluginVideo lesson
This lesson will show learners how to download and install the Completion Progress plugin.
48Using the Completion Progress BlockVideo lesson
In this lesson I shall show learners how to setup and configure the Completion Progress Block.
49Installing the Quizventure PluginVideo lesson
Want to play space invaders on Moodle? Well this lesson will show you how to install the Quizventure plugin on your Moodle Instance.
50Using the Quizventure Plugin to Gamify a Moodle CourseVideo lesson
Lets play space invaders! Lets learn whilst doing it? This lesson shows you how to setup and configure the Quizventure game.
51Introduction to H5P and GamificationVideo lesson
In this introductory video, I will introduce the H5P and Gamification section.
52H5P Interactive Videos and GamificationVideo lesson
This lesson will focud on H5P Interactive Videos and Gamification.
53H5P Course Presentations and Columns and GamificationVideo lesson
We will look at Colums and Course Presentations in this lesson, and how they can be used withn Gamification.
54H5P Quizzes and GamificationVideo lesson
This lesson will take a look at how H5P quizzes can be used within a Gamification context.
55H5P Games and GamificationVideo lesson
In this lesson, we will look at some H5P games !