MySQL, PHP, and Moodle Schema
- Description
- Curriculum
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This class is all about querying the database: Writing MySQL queries from within the PHPMyAdmin web application, and writing PHP code to utilize functions within Moodle’s data manipulation API. Along the way we’re going to learn about 10 database tables in Moodle, centering around Moodle users, roles, capabilities and contexts.
1Course IntroductionVideo lesson
The plan for this class. Make sure you have everything you need to get started. Get excited!
2Intro to Moodle SchemaVideo lesson
An introduction to the Moodle database schema. How to read a database diagram. Foreign key relationships between the user, role, and role assignments table.
3Intro to phpMyAdminVideo lesson
Navigating tables, data, and field structure. Moodle table prefixes. How data is stored. The SQL tab.
4Intro to PHPVideo lesson
Installing a custom plugin. Accessing the plugin within Moodle. Opening the plugin for editing.
5The user Table and Data TypesVideo lesson
Moodle's user list. Adding a user. Viewing the user data in the database. Primary keys. Explanation of datatypes.
6Simple Query Syntax: 3 ClausesVideo lesson
Basic query syntax. Examples of several simple queries! SELECT, FROM and WHERE clauses. Using LIKE in the WHERE clause.
77. The get_records_sql() functionVideo lesson
Decoding several lines of PHP code. Writing a get_records_sql() function call and displaying the results. Recreating queries from the previous video.
8Roles, Role Assignments and Foreign KeysVideo lesson
Reviewing the default roles. Making role assignments. Viewing role assignments in the database. The role_assignments table is a "Lookup table".
9Query Writing for DetectivesVideo lesson
A systematic approach to finding relevant data. Using "IN" to match multiple values in the WHERE clause.
10The get_record_select() FunctionVideo lesson
The global $DB object. Syntax and use of the get_record_select() function. Recreating the queries from the previous video.
11The get_records_select() Function and foreach LoopsVideo lesson
Querying for multiple records with the get_records_select() function. Looping through multiple records using the foreach() function.
12Role CapabilitiesVideo lesson
Viewing and editing capabilities in Moodle. The role_capability table, and its relationship with the role and context tables.
13Nested Query SyntaxQVideo lesson
Querying for role capabilities. Basic syntax for a nested query. A nested query with four levels. Using FROM_UNIXTIME() to format a Unix timestamp.
14The date() FunctionVideo lesson
Showing all capabilities for a specific role. Showing all capabilities for a specific user. Using the date() function to format a Unix timestamp.
15Role ContextsVideo lesson
Explaining role contexts. Finding out the contexts where a role may be assigned in Moodle. The role_context_levels table. The hierarchy of contexts in Moodle.
16LEFT and INNER JOINsVideo lesson
Querying to see the contexts where a role may be assigned. How to JOIN a table in the FROM clause. Querying for users and role assignments with a JOINed query.
17The get_field_select(), if() and empty() FunctionsVideo lesson
Showing the context types where a role may be assigned. Showing user role assignments including the context level for the assignments. Returning a single field with the get_field_select() function. Checking to see that a function returned a result using the if() and empty() functions.
18Role Contexts Part IIVideo lesson
Making role assignments in the front page context. Renaming a category and making a role assignment in the category context. Making a course and assigning a role in the course context. Viewing these role assignments in the role_assignments table.
19LEFT and INNER JOINsVideo lesson
The difference between LEFT and INNER JOINs. Querying for user, role, context and capability information all in one query.
20The has_capability() and require_capability() FunctionsVideo lesson
Using the require_capability() function to exclude access to a Moodle page. Using the has_capability() function to exclude access to part of a Moodle page. Also, just a tiny bit about the $PAGE global: the $context variable.
21The Four Tables: Allow Assignment, Override, Switch and ViewVideo lesson
Understanding what these four tabs are for, and correlating them with the role_allow_assign, role_allow_override, role_allow_switch and role_allow_view tables. Relationship between these four tables and the role table.
22JOINing the Same Table TwiceVideo lesson
Querying for a user, their role, and all roles they can assign, override, switch to, and view.
23The count_records_select() FunctionVideo lesson
Displaying all of the abilities given to a specific user through the Role Allow Assignment, Allow Override, Allow Switch and Allow View tabs. Querying for the number of records that match a given condition using the count_records_select() function.
24The mdl_logstore_standard_log TableVideo lesson
Finding a role assignment record in Moodle's "Logs" report. Finding that same record in the logstore_standard_log table in phpMyAdmin. The relationships between the logstore_standard_log table and the user, role and context tables.
25How to LIMIT and SORT Query ResultsVideo lesson
Querying for all role assignments, the user who made each role assignment, the user receiving the role assignment, and the time each assignment was made. Limiting your result set using LIMIT. Sorting your query results.
26The get_recordset_select() FunctionVideo lesson
Showing all role assignments, who made the assignment, who they assigned the role to, and the date of the assignment. A better way to handle large results with the get_recordset_select() function.