R Programming - R Language for Absolute Beginners
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
So, you’ve decided that you want to learn R or you want to get familiar with it, but don’t know where to start? Or are you a data/business analyst or data scientist that wants to have a smooth transition into R programming?
Then, this course was designed just for you!
Hear what other students have to say first:
“I came to this course after an online university course *cough coursera cough* left me crying. The entire curriculum that this class covers was what they covered in week 1, and from what I’ve heard, R has a very steep learning curve. The extra time taken to even walkthrough installation is clearer here. It is much appreciated. You get lots of opportunities to practice, follow along, and really build your knowledge step by step.” 5 star review by a Udemy user
“A really really good course for beginners in R, highly recommended. Everything is well explained in detail and enough coding exercises to get you familiarize with concepts before moving to the next section.
Thanks for this Ivo, appreciated.” 5 star review by a Udemy user
“Easy to understand, calm and clear explanation. Covered points which are ignored by other tutors. Great” 5 star review by a Udemy user
This course was designed to be your first step into the R programming world! We will delve deeper into the concepts of R objects, understand the R user interface and play around with several datasets. This course contains lectures around the following groups:
Introductory slides lectures with the most well-known commands for each type of R object.
Code along lectures where you will see how we can implement the stuff we will learn!
Test your knowledge with questions and practical exercises with different levels of difficulty!
Analyze real datasets and understand the thought process from question to R code solution!
This course was designed to be focused on the practical side of coding in R – instead of teaching you every function and method out there, I’ll show you how you can read questions and examples and get to the answer by yourself, compounding your knowledge on the different R objects.
At the end of the course you should be able to use R to analyze your own datasets. Along the way you will also learn what R vectors, arrays, matrixes and lists are and how you can combine the knowledge of those objects to power up your analysis.
Here are some examples of things you will be able to do after finishing the course:
Load CSV and Excel files into R;
Do interesting line plots that enable you to draw conclusions from data.
Plot histograms of numerical data.
Create your own functions that will enable you to reutilize code.
Slice and dice Data Frames, subsetting data for specific domains.
Join thousands of professionals and students in this R journey and discover the amazing power of this statistical open-source language.
This course will be constantly updated based on students feedback.
1Welcome!Video lesson
In this lecture we will get an overview on what we will learn in this course.
We will approach what I name the Learning Loop - discussing some strategies on how to approach the course material to improve the success rate of the students in this course.
2Course MaterialsText lesson
3Installing RVideo lesson
In this lecture we will set up R base on our Windows machines and make the first step in our R programming journey. You will learn to:
Install R;
Understand R interface for simple calculations;
Note: This tutorial is aimed at Windows users, to install on mac see: https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/installing-R-windows-mac-ubuntu
4Installing R StudioVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will download our main software to program in R - RStudio. RStudio is probably the most famous GUI(Graphical User Interface) to program in R and is really user-friendly.
We will learn how to:
Install R Studio;
Note: This lecture is aimed at Windows users. See this blog post for instructions to install R Studio on a Mac: https://medium.com/@GalarnykMichael/install-r-and-rstudio-on-mac-e911606ce4f4
5Basic Questions about RQuiz
A test with some questions about the R install process.
6[Slides] - R as a Calculator and VectorsVideo lesson
Slides Lecture where we will explore some of the fundamental concepts about vectors and R environment.
In this lecture we will explore the concept of R objects such as vectors and talk a bit about how you can deal and interact with the R environment.
7Using R as a Calculator - Simple CalculationsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will have our first exposure to coding in R Studio, using R as a calculator.
What you will learn:
Summing two numbers in R;
Subtracting two numbers in R;
Multiplying two numbers in R;
Dividing two numbers in R;
Operations order in R;
8Using R as a Calculator - FunctionsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will check how we can call mathematical functions in R Studio.
What you will learn:
Compute a square root of a number;
Compute a exponential of a number;
Compute a logarithm of a number;
Checking the ? command to access help on functions.
9R as a Calculator - QuizQuiz
This exercise has some questions regarding the usage of RStudio and mathematical operations in R.
10Practical Exercises - Time to test your skills!Text lesson
11Link to Exercise SolutionsText lesson
12Creating Vectors and Knowing the EnvironmentVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to create our first vector and understand some basic concepts of the R environment.
You will learn how to:
Create vectors with the command c();
Create objects in the environment;
Removing objects from the enviroment;
Understanding the data type of R objects;
13Vector Indexing and SlicingVideo lesson
In this Lecture we are going to understand three important concepts regarding indexing. You will learn how to do:
Numeric Indexing;
Slicing Indexing;
Multiple selection Indexing;
14Calculations with VectorsVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to perform calculations with vectors. You will learn how to:
Sum vector elements;
Summing two vectors;
Multiplying two vectors;
Apply functions to vectors;
15More Functions and Dealing with Unexpected ValuesVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see some more functions that we can apply on vectors and explore further arguments of these functions.
You will learn how to:
Compute median, mean and standard deviation of a vector;
Sort vectors;
Extract the length of vectors;
Knowing how to deal with NA, NaN and Inf.
16Comparison OperatorsVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to explore comparison operators. You will learn how to:
Use > and < operators;
Apply equality or inequality operators;
Use returning vectors from comparison operators as indexes;
17Vectors Names PropertyVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to explore how we can label vector elements. You will learn how to:
Use the names property;
Index by name;
Powering up the which command;
18Modifying Vector ElementsVideo lesson
19Comparing R with Excel and SQLVideo lesson
20R Vectors and the EnvironmentQuiz
The following questions will be based on the "vectors and environment" lectures. If you are having trouble understanding the logic behind the answers check the slides that are available in the beginning of the lecture and try to play around in R studio to understand the language behavior.
21[TUTORIAL] - Completing and Debugging Coding Exercises on Udemy PlatformVideo lesson
22Vectors Coding ExerciseQuiz
23Practical Exercises - Time to test your skills on Vectors!Text lesson
24[Slides] - R Data TypesVideo lesson
25Underlying Data Types and Types at the Class LevelVideo lesson
In this lecture we will uinderstand the difference between underlying data types and class level data types - exploring the most common data types in R.
26Checking Data Types of ObjectsVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to check the class of elements in vectors and also check how we can test the class of a variable in the environment.
27Converting Data TypesVideo lesson
28Introduction to FactorsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will investigate a new data type: factors!
29Dealing with DatesVideo lesson
30R Data TypesQuiz
This test will test your skills on R data types!
31R Data Types Coding ExerciseQuiz
32Practical Exercises - Time to test your skills on Data Types!Text lesson
33[Slides] - Arrays and MatricesVideo lesson
34Creating ArraysVideo lesson
In this lecture, we are going to get introduced to our first multi-dimensional object, the Array!
35Indexing and Modifying ArraysVideo lesson
In this lecture, we are going to manipulate Arrays and use index properties to access element!
36Array OperationsVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to learn how to modify multi-dimensional objects!
37Array Dimnames PropertyVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to explore the dimnames property of arrays and check a few other properties.
38Combining ArraysVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to learn the rbind and cbind commands to combine arrays!
39Arrays - QuizQuiz
Test your understanding on arrays creation and indexing. If you are having trouble return to the videos to consolidate your knowledge!
40R Arrays - Coding ExerciseQuiz
41Practical Exercises - Time to test your skills on Arrays!Text lesson
42Creating MatricesVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to learn how to construct matrixes and check the similarities between matrixes and arrays!
43Matrix OperationsVideo lesson
44Matrices - QuizQuiz
Test your understanding on matrices. If you are having trouble return to the videos to consolidate your knowledge!
45R Matrices - Coding ExerciseQuiz
46Practical Exercises - Time to test your skills on Matrices!Text lesson
47[Slides] - Data Frames & ListsVideo lesson
48Creating a Data FrameVideo lesson
In this lecture we will learn how to create this new object, the Data Frame!
49Indexing and Modifying Data FramesVideo lesson
50Expanding Data FramesVideo lesson
In this lecture we will learn how we can expand Data Frames with the cbind and rbind commands!
51Removing Elements from Data FramesVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to learn how we can remove rows or columns from data frames.
52Data Frames QuestionsQuiz
Time to test you skills on data frames! In this test we are going to see some questions regarding data frames.
53R Data Frames - Coding ExerciseQuiz
54Creating ListsVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to explore a new object in R - R Lists!
55List IndexingVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to see examples on how we can index list elements.
56Changing and Adding elements to ListsVideo lesson
57Deleting List ElementsVideo lesson
58Combining ListsVideo lesson
59Lists QuestionsQuiz
Time to test your skills! In this quiz you are going to test your knowledge on lists!
60R Lists - Coding ExercisesQuiz
61Practical Exercises - Time to test your skills on Lists!Text lesson
66IntroductionVideo lesson
67Inspecting Data FramesVideo lesson
68Filtering Data FramesVideo lesson
69Creating New Columns in a Data FrameVideo lesson
70Apply FamilyVideo lesson
71New Column with SapplyVideo lesson
72Aggregating and SortingVideo lesson
73Merging Data FramesVideo lesson
74Extra - Merging Data Frames using a SQL-Like LibraryVideo lesson
75Plotting Overview (Base R)Video lesson
76GGPlot 2 OverviewVideo lesson
77Working with Data Frames QuestionsQuiz
Let's test your knowledge on Data Frames!
78Working with Data Frames Coding ExercisesQuiz
79Practical Exercises - Time to test your skills on manipulating Data Frames!Text lesson