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11 reviews

Represent yourself at Employment Tribunals (or any court)

How to bring and proceed a claim against your employer and claim compensation without the help of a lawyer?
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By an experienced advocate and a litigator!

While legal procedures differ across the jurisdictions, fundamental principles remain the same, critical and logical analysis and transferable skills which you will learn from this course.

Over FOUR and a Half Hours on demand video course with 30 day money back guarantee!!

Hello and welcome to this course!

If you are or were an employee or a worker then you have just come to the right place to know about your rights. While this course has been fundamentally designed for employees and workers, the principles laid down in course should assist you to prepare your case and represent yourself at any court.

Times are tough and you never know when you would be dismissed or someone at your workplace may discriminate against you because of your disability or gender. In this course I will guide you about how to protect your rights and if you suffer a detriment at your work what legal action you can take without any legal help and how to do that. The course will also help you to become confident and appear a reliable person in the employment tribunals, who the judges should believe.

It is natural to become nervous while giving evidence. This course will give you tips on how to deal with the other party’s lawyer while giving evidence and how to ask questions from your employer’s witnesses. I have seen what mistakes the Claimants make and this course will included guidance on the points where Claimants could make mistake. I will give you examples of how to make your case strong and what steps you need to take and follow through the process. What are the case management orders? What are preliminary hearings including telephone conferences and video link conferences. I will show you examples of most of the documents you expect to see during your claim.

I will teach you tips and tricks on how to get information from your employer that goes against them and help strengthen your case, applications that you should make to the employment tribunals. I will guide you in relation to the time limits and how to fill in your claim form and submit it to the employment tribunals.

The course will also guide you as to:

  • How to prepare a bundle of documents (along with the index) and your witness statement.

  • How to calculate your losses and how to prepare a document called Schedule of Loss

  • What is Scott Schedule and how to present your claims in orderly manner – for example who said what discriminatory comments on what date and who else was present.

I will also give you free templates in this course of the main documents. I will guide you on how to calculate your basic award and your compensatory award and your injury to feelings awards.

My aim is to give you confidence so that you can handle the processes and procedures in a language that you can understand, free of jargon!

If you follow the principles given in this course there is no reason why you should not get good groundings to represent yourself in any court as broadly the principles remain the same. You just need to be aware of what valuable help is available out there and what actions you could take to help yourself.

If you are someone who is representing a member of your family or a friend or you are an employment consultant, you may also find this course very useful. You may also be a trade union member or may want to become one and want to assist your fellow employees.

This course is also useful if you have a lawyer but want to gain a better understanding of how the tribunal system works and what should you expect from your lawyer.

If you are ready to help yourself, enrol now and start learning how you can put your best case forward. There are word templates which you can actually download and use for your case purposes. You can also make changes to them according to your own needs.

Over FOUR and a Half Hours on demand video course with 30 day money back guarantee!!

Disclaimer: Please note this course is not a legal advice to your individual issues and is general in nature.

How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
11 reviews
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