Storytelling Via Presentations
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Are you interested in understanding the logic behind creating a Presentation for a Live Audience? If yes, look no further.
This course has been designed considering various parameters. I combine my experience of of teaching Health IT, as well as interacting with various clients. When I started my teaching journey, I struggled to explain the most basic concepts as I was unable to simplify them. It took me some time to realize that in order to be effective, I not only need to simplify the complex concepts, I also needed to generate curiosity to grab and maintain attention of my students.
In this course I explain to you a few methodologies I have come across
KISS – Keep it Super Simple (Design Engineering)
The logic of SUCCESs, conceptualized and promoted by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
Using Show Don’t tell, heavily used in writing
How I use Gamification in my presentations/sessions to generate Curiosity
Using the 5 senses – Taste, Sight, Smell, Sound, and Touch.
Leverage Stories – and more importantly leverage your own experiences
The Who, What, When, Where and Why, mostly used by Journalists
I also take specific examples (listed below) and showcase how I think/create presentations.
Baking a Cake
Profit & Loss Statement
Representing Tabular Data
Representing Graphical Data
A Sample Corporate Case Study
A Sample Proposal Presentation
A Sample Research Paper Presentation
1The Course PlanVideo lesson
In this video we discuss in brief the areas we plan to cover as part of the course.
2What's The Curse Of Knowledge?Video lesson
Understand why can knowledge be a curse, when ideally Knowledge is Power.
3The Gartner ExampleVideo lesson
What did I do differently to overcome the curse of Knowledge.
4The Key TakeawaysVideo lesson
What were the key takeaways, in terms of how I explained the Gartner concept.
5Any Corporate Examples?Video lesson
A example of how a Corporate Case Study can be showcased.
6Is there a Logic to create a presentation?Video lesson
Explanation of the logic as to how to create a presentation in brief.
7The Billboard ChallengeVideo lesson
In this video, you will understand what's so unique in a hoarding/billboard.
8Once Upon a TimeVideo lesson
In this video I explain an Urban legend and how it has evolved over time, but still the overall narrative of the story is intact.
9Another Story, but from the year 1994Video lesson
This is the story of how CSPI uses Analogies to explain how certain foods are not good for health.
10The Concepts we will coverVideo lesson
Which all concepts we will cover, which will help us create effective presentations.
11Keep it Short & SimpleVideo lesson
Understand how is the principle of KISS used in design thinking, and what is Simplicity in terms of Marketing/Presentations.
12Simplicity - With an ExampleVideo lesson
Understand how the CEO of Southwest Airlines Herb Kelleher explained the organizations Tag Line/Key Message to an Intern
13Plain Talk/Commanders IntentVideo lesson
How does the Military communicate their message in a simple manner using plain talk.
14Simplicity in PresentationsVideo lesson
What consideration to keep in mind to keep our presentations Simple
15Keep it SimpleQuiz
16Generating Curiosity - BasicsVideo lesson
What is the importance of generating curiosity
17Examples of Generating CuriosityVideo lesson
From a Flight attendant to a Retail Store examples of people doing something unexpected to generate curiosity.
18Its a Sony - Story of the TransistorVideo lesson
Understand how Masaru Ibuka conceptualized the idea of a transistor.
19Curiosity in PresentationsVideo lesson
20Gamification in PresentationsVideo lesson
How I have used gamification in my sessions to generate and maintain curiosity
21Quiz on Generating CuriosityQuiz
22Show Don't TellVideo lesson
Understand the meaning of Show Don't tell
23Visual MathematicsVideo lesson
Can Addition. Subtraction, Multiplication be visualized? Check out how the Japanese use visual mathematics.
24Less is MoreVideo lesson
Understand how less can be more
25Show Don't Tell in PresentationsVideo lesson
How can we leverage the concept of Show Don't Tell in presentations
26Show Don't Tell in PresentationsQuiz
27Building Trust - The ConceptVideo lesson
What is building trust and its importance
28The Story of Marshall and WarrenVideo lesson
This example showcases how building trust/showcasing credibility can be a time consuming process
29Whom do we Trust?Video lesson
The concept of trust has been leveraged by various organizations in the world via endorsements.
30How can we build Trust?Video lesson
We explore different ways of building trust.
31Quiz on Building TrustQuiz
32The Audience ConnectVideo lesson
How to connect with the audience and its importance.
33Maslow's LawVideo lesson
What is Maslow's Law and the need to avoid bias in our presentations
34A Story of LitterVideo lesson
The Story of Texas and how Dan Syrek understood the audience to turn things around
35Connecting with the AudienceVideo lesson
How to make a connect with your audience.
36Quiz on Connecting with the AudienceQuiz
41Baking a Cake - Part 1Video lesson
Baking a Cake the final outcome
42Baking a Cake - Part 2Video lesson
Logic of creating the presentation till Slide 7
43Baking a Cake - Part 3Video lesson
Logic of creating the presentation after Slide 7
44Profit & Loss - Part 1Video lesson
Brief overview of the Content.
45Profit & Loss - Part 2Video lesson
46A Regulatory CriteriaVideo lesson
Converting Tabular Data(text and numbers) into a Visual format
47Another Tabular DataVideo lesson
Another example of handling Tabular Data (more text)
48Presenting Data/GraphsVideo lesson
What to consider when representing Graphical data
49Corporate Case StudyVideo lesson
Example of a Corporate Case Study
50Sample Paper PresentationVideo lesson
In this video, I explain how me and my colleagues presented a paper at a competition.
51Sample Proposal PresentationVideo lesson
A hypothetical proposal and how I would go about creating the presentation for the same.