The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 27 Courses in 1
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Congratulations, You Found It!
The Most Complete Course on Digital Marketing, with 27 Courses in 1!
Instead of buying 27 different Courses about Digital Marketing – This Course Will Cover All Your Digital Marketing Needs.
This is a 100% Practical Course – Get Ready for Hands-On Experience from the First Lecture!
Take A Look at These Top Rated Reviews…
This is a whole University degree, for such a little amount of money. – Livingstone Ayehangane
Buying this course was the most important decision i ever made in my career. – Mohamed Saeed
Robin and jesper are no doubt one of the best digital marketing experts and teachers out there, I love this course. – Shaheer Farrukh
The best course ever. You can always come back to any part of the course if you need to. Amazing updates and golden value. This is my go to bible for everything I do. Would be lost without it. – Rajaa Zaidi
Course Goals:
Have a Complete Digital Marketing Resource
Grow Your Business Online
Get Hired as a Digital Marketing Expert
Work as a Digital Marketing Freelancer
Market Research
Set Up a Website
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Email Marketing
Google Analytics
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering
Influencer Marketing
Content Marketing
Sales Psychology
Customer Service
Google Ads
YouTube Ads
Facebook Ads
Facebook eCommerce Ads
Facebook Marketing
Instagram Marketing
YouTube Marketing
Pinterest Marketing
LinkedIn Marketing
Quora Marketing
Twitter Marketing
Content Marketing Machine
Digital Marketing Freelancing
WordPress Masterclass
SEO Masterclass
– Lifetime Access to Future Updates
– Tools, Articles & Templates
– Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A section
– Downloadable Certificate of Completion
– 30 Day Money Back Guarantee (No Questions Asked)
This course will require you to sign up to Bluehost to follow our Digital Marketing strategy step-by-step.
You will also need to sign up for ChatGPT which is completely free.
See You Inside The Complete Digital Marketing Guide!
Robin & Jesper
3Market Research ExplainedVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn the steps to perform effective market research for your marketing strategy using chatGPT. You'll get demo products included in case you don't have your own.
4Product DetailsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll get important information about your product using copy-paste chatGPT prompts. You'll get access to your product's benefits and features, which will be used throughout the strategy.
5Target Audience PersonaVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to create a target audience persona (also sometimes called a buyer persona) using copy-paste chatGPT prompts. You'll get an amazing amount of data on your most potential buyer, which we will then add into your guidebook and use as a future reference for building the rest of the strategy.
6Competitor AnalysisVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to find your top 3 competitors, create a pros and cons list of their performance using their reviews with a copy-paste ChatGPT prompt, and then turn all those pros and cons lists into constructive feedback that we'll turn into a viable marketing strategy to beat our competitors.
7Website Building ExplainedVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll get an overview of the website building section of the strategy and learn how the website will look like that we're about to build, and how we'll build it using the copy-paste ChatGPT prompts in the Marketing Strategy Guidebook.
8Install WordPressVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to install WordPress with a single click. After this lecture you'll have an actual website up and running that we can start designing as our own!
9Install a ThemeVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to install a theme with a starter kit in order to start off with a completely designed website. This will make it much easier to quickly design a professional website when all we need to do is tweak it with out product and ChatGPT texts along with our fonts and colors and necessary pages. Basically, we'll get most of the hard work done for it with a single install!
10Website Title & LogoVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to create a unique website logo for your website along with a ChatGPT prompted tagline. You'll also learn how to design a nice favicon.
11PagesVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to create the most important pages on your website such as a privacy policy, terms & conditions and a refunds & returns policy. All with the help of our great friend ChatGPT!
12Header & Footer MenuVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to create your header and your footer. We'll write a short "about" section at the bottom of the section using a copy-paste ChatGPT prompt from the guidebook.
13Fonts & ColorsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to get a professional header and body font combination, along with a color design for the entire website.
14Home PageVideo lesson
In this lecture we'll go through Elementor and completely redesign our home page. We'll be using ChatGPT to prompt a landing page text and a blog-section text.
15Store SetupVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to set up your WooCommerce settings, including shipping, taxes and payment methods.
16Product PageVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to set up and ChatGPT prompt your product page with a name and descriptions.
17Blog PageVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to design your blog page.
18Create a Blog PostVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to quickly and effectively create blog posts using copy-paste ChatGPT prompts. Later on in the course you'll learn how to make them SEO-friendly!
19Shop & My Account PagesVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to design your shop and account pages, along with a ChatGPT prompt to remove the sidebar across the entire website.
20Contact PageVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to design your contact page using Elementor and WPforms. We'll also writing the "philosophy" section using a ChatGPT prompt.
21Safety & OptimizationsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll bullet-proof your website by making sure you've got an anti-virus, a speed booster, backups, anti-spam and a cookie notice.
22NavigationVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to navigate the back-end of your WordPress website.
23Go Live!Video lesson
In this lecture you'll be going live with your website, how exciting!
24SEO ExplainedVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn what SEO is, and how it'll be used to drive traffic in this strategy. You'll also get an overview of what to expect in this section.
25How to Keyword ResearchVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to practically find low-competition keywords that you can start ranking for, using Mozbar and Google's Keyword Planner. In the next lecture you'll get copy-paste ChatGPT prompts to create SEO-friendly blog content based on that keyword.
26Create SEO-Friendly ContentVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to combine what you've learned so far by combining the low-competition keyword with a copy-paste ChatGPT prompt to generate SEO-friendly content around that keyword.
27On-Page SEOVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to improve your search engine ranking by writing your On-Page SEO on your most important pages and articles. In the lecture we'll be focusing on the article we created, using YOAST.
28BacklinksVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to drastically improve your search engine rankings by getting links from other websites that works like "votes of confidence" for the search engines. These are called backlinks, and you'll learn how and where to find them, and how to effectively ChatGPT prompt a good text to build relationships and exchange backlinks value for an article.
29Email Marketing ExplainedVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how email marketing works and what you can expect in this section.
30Create Lead CapturesVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to capture traffic and turning them into leads (email subscribers) by using multiple WordPress plugins and a lead magnet (offer to trade for their email).
31Create Email CampaignVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to create email campaigns, in other words, how to send emails to your subscribers using Mailchimp.
32Email PromptsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll get a walkthrough of all the different emails you can send using the copy-paste ChatGPT prompts in the Guidebook.
33Google Analytics 4 ExplainedVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn what Google Analytics 4 is, how it works and how we'll be using it to continuously improve our strategy.
34Install GA4Video lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to install Google Analytics 4 on your website to get important data on your strategy's performance.
35Connect WooCommerceVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to connect WooCommerce to your website to start getting important e-commerce data like orders, revenue, purchase conversions etc.
36Connect Search ConsoleVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to get data on all search queries people use to find your website, using Google's Search Console. We'll first connect it to your website, and then to your Google Analytics account and add it in as a data template in the interface.
37Internal Traffic FilterVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to avoid inflating your data by filtering your own, and your company member's ip addresses so it won't show up in the Google Analytics reports. This allows you to work on your site and browse it freely without altering the data.
38Track LeadsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to track your leads. That is, tracking how many that subscribes to your email list on your website.
39AlertsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to set alerts and have them triggered when there's a big spike or drop in traffic.
40Access Demo AccountVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to access the demo account of Google's Merchandise Store to get real data for real practice.
41Dashboard NavigationVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to navigate the dashboard of Google Analytics.
42TrafficVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to deeper understand your traffic.
43LocationsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn about where your traffic is coming from, and understanding high quality vs low quality traffic locations.
44DemographicsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn about the demographics of your audience, including high vs low quality traffic.
45PagesVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn to find the most popular and least popular pages, and how to use that information.
46Sources, Mediums & ChannelsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn what sources, mediums and channels are, how to find them and how to use that info to improve your marketing strategy.
47Compare DataVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to compare current to previous data. This is the only way to understand if you're progressing or not, both long and short term.
48Add UsersVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to add multiple users to your Google Analytics account, with different roles. You'll learn the steps, and when you should assign a person a certain role.
49Link Google AdsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to link Google Analytics with Google Ads in order to get complete advertising data.
50Track CampaignsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to track specific campaigns to get specific data. That could be an email, a certain post etc.
51Digital Marketing Strategy TranscriptText lesson
53Prompt Engineering ExplainedVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn what prompt engineering is, how it works and why it's the key to master ChatGPT.
54Prompt FrameworkVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with a framework to get a jump-start in your prompt engineering skills!
55Custom InstructionsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to set custom instructions to ChatGPT that'll automatically be applied to every new chat. It comes with a copy-paste template that'll guide you to maximizing the efficiency on your instructions–leading to better replies.
56Prompt PrimingVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with more context (called priming) to drastically improve the accuracy and quality of your answers.
57IterationVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with iterations to focus-in your answers towards completing the task you're asking for as accurately as possible.
580-1-Few ShotVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how, and when to add in multiple examples to ChatGPT to get more specific answers. 0-1-Few refers to the amount of examples, all ruled by the needed level of specificity.
59Output TemplatesVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to guide ChatGPT to give you replies (outputs) in specific formats. We call these Output Templates.
60Step-by-StepVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to prompt ChatGPT to not only give you the specific answer you're looking for, but also the reasoning and logical process behind how it came to that specific conclusion.
61Act AsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to prepare ChatGPT with an "act as" prompt in order to pre-install a certain expertise and give your answers an unique bias.
62PerspectivesVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn prompts to get multiple perspectives on a single subject.
634th GraderVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to simplify complex texts into something understandable.
64Follow-up QuestionsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with follow-up questions to improve your results.
65Tabular FormatVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to turn any ChatGPT replies into a table format by using simple prompt instructions, along with examples!
66ComparisonsVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to compare two or more things side by side. Since ChatGPT has internet access using Bing, this is incredibly powerful.
67SummarizeVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with longs texts and have them summarized.
68Critique MeVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn prompt ChatGPT to give you constructive feedback on anything you've created.
69Critique YourselfVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to have ChatGPT give you a specific output, critique it, any then apply that critique to instantly improve it.
70Teach MeVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to educate yourself in literally any subject.
71Write Like MeVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to teach ChatGPT to adapt to your writing style in preparation of creating any future content.
72Ask for AdviceVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT as a friend and ask for advice in difficult situations.
73LadderingVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn the laddering method where you take any complex issue or subject and break it down into multiple parts and then prompt those parts one-by-one until the entire complex issue is completed.
74Advanced Prompt Engineering & Fine TuningVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to combine different prompt engineering techniques and fine tune them in order to take your results to the next level.
75Advanced Prompt EngineeringText lesson
76Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT TranscriptText lesson
77Influencer Marketing ExplainedVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn what influencer marketing is, how it works and why you should consider using it as a part of your marketing strategy.
78The Influencer TriangleVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how influencer marketing works through a win-win-win situation by understanding everyone's needs and satisfying them. This is how you make influencer marketing into a scaleable strategy.
79Find InfluencersVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to find the right influencers for your niche, resulting in a profitable influencer marketing!
80Paying InfluencersVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to pay influencers, not just with money!
81Reach OutVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to reach out to influencers to see if you can find common grounds for working together.
82Signing the InfluencerVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to sign the influencer that you've found.
83Track & MeasureVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to track and measure everything in your influencer marketing to make sure you're staying profitable.
84Create a CampaignVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to put it all together to create a campaign–effectively starting your influencer marketing journey.
85Build a TeamVideo lesson
In this lecture you'll learn how to build a team and how to assign different roles to improve and scale your influencer marketing.
86Influencer Marketing TranscriptText lesson