The Complete English Grammar Course - Perfect Your English
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- Curriculum
- Reviews
This Udemy course gives you, the English language learner, a complete overview of English grammar.
This course will give you the ability to understand English better and the confidence to speak and write English more fluently.
This English grammar course is taught by two world-renowned communications trainers, TJ Walker and Derek Smith.
Message from Derek Smith:
My name is Derek, I’m a native Brit and a qualified and experienced TEFL/TESOL trainer.
I have been teaching English to adults for over 10 years and look forward to using technology to reach a wider audience.
I have a neutral accent which is clear and easy to understand.
This might not be the longest course on Udemy but I do respect your time.
The lessons are as long as necessary, and as short as possible.
Downloadable PDFs for each lesson will form a valuable resource collection for you.
The course is not designed to be accessed in sequence but takes more of a pick-and-mix approach.
For example, if you need help with prepositions of place, simply go to the prepositions section and look for the lesson on prepositions of place.
Or if you need help with present perfect continuous, go to the tenses and aspects section and check out the lesson on present perfect continuous.
The exception to this is the Beginner’s Section, which is intended to be accessed from start to finish, in order.
Where there are differences between UK and US grammar, these are explained in the lesson.
I encourage you to ask questions if you feel that something has not been fully or clearly explained. You will get an answer and, if necessary, the course material will be updated. Depending on the answer, I will add a new lesson to the course.
Here is a brief summary of the course benefits for you:
Native speaker
Experienced and qualified teacher
Neutral and easy-to-understand accent
Lessons structured for easy access
Downloadable resources for each lesson
No bloated lessons to trick you or waste your time
Valid for UK and US English
Updates as required by the learners
Udemy’s 30-day refund policy
How many of your boxes did I tick?
This is the English grammar course you need. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.
Message from TJ Walker
I have been teaching executives around the globe to deliver presentations in English for the last 30 years. Most people, even native English speakers, are insecure about their English grammar. You can become an accomplished speaker and communicator and know that you are using excellent English Grammar every time you speak.
Derek is one of the top English grammar instructors in the world and I am proud to be teaching this course with him. He has the English and European sensibility down perfectly. And I have been living in and working in the United States my entire life. When you put us together, it is a powerful combination designed to help you become a master at English grammar and communication.
Good luck and I hope to see you on the course!
This English Grammar course is ideal for anyone searching for more info on the following: English speaking – English – English grammar – learn English – English course – grammar – advanced English grammar. Plus, this course will be a great addition to anyone trying to build out their knowledge in the following areas: English language – English conversation – English pronunciation.
1Quick Win! You Can Speak With Confidence in Your English GrammarVideo lesson
2A Quick Grammar Tip - a taste of things to comeVideo lesson
This English grammar course begins with a quick tip to get you started. Don't make the mistake of thinking that 'could've' is a short form of 'could of' - it isn't. The correct meaning is shown, as well as several similar cases of this common mistake.
3Course Roadmap - a quick overview of the course contentText lesson
Here is the contents for this Complete English Grammar course. You can see the course structure to help you navigate and find the lessons you need more easily.
4Are You Ready to Start Learning English Grammar Now?Video lesson
In this short introduction, the course design is laid out, together with tips about how to get the most benefit from this course.
"Cool Vibes" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
5Build Your English Grammar Skills Daily By Doing this...Video lesson
6If You Teach English Grammar, This Is For YouVideo lesson
This brief introduction to the Complete English Grammar course is meant for teachers who are sending their pupils here to learn English grammar.
It explains the course structure and ways in which learners can benefit from this course.
7We Have A Facebook Group For This Course - Please Join Us!Text lesson
Our free Facebook group is introduced and English grammar learners are encouraged to join and take advantage of this private environment.
The link is here:
Please apply to join, using the name you used when you registered as a student on the course. Your application will be approved as soon as we can verify you as a learner on this course.
IMPORTANT: if your application is rejected, please send Derek a message and he will sort it out for you.
This group is for you, so please use it well. Spammers are not welcome and will not be tolerated.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
8Why Audiences Are More Forgiving Of English Grammar Mistakes Than Readers AreVideo lesson
9Can You Find Grammar Blunders Made By TJ and DerekVideo lesson
10Nouns - start here to learn about nouns.Video lesson
11Nouns - Common and Proper - learn the difference.Video lesson
12Nouns - Singular and Plural - learn how to make plurals of nouns.Video lesson
13Nouns - Capitalisation Rules - learn how and when to use capital letters.Video lesson
14Nouns - Abstract and Concrete - what they are and how they differ.Video lesson
15Nouns - Collective Nouns - these are not the same as plurals, as you will see.Video lesson
16Nouns - Countable and Uncountable - learn how to use these correctly.Video lesson
This English grammar lesson looks at countable and uncountable nouns.
You will learn how to tell them apart and how to compare them correctly, both for equality and inequality.
17Nouns - Pronouns - find out how to replace nouns in English.Video lesson
18Quick Tip: ... and I or ... and me? This quick and easy trick will help you.Video lesson
19Nouns - Possessive - learn the different ways of indicating ownership.Video lesson
20Nouns - Gerunds - find out how verbs can behave like nouns.Video lesson
21Nominal(ised) Adjectives - how to make nouns from adjectivesVideo lesson
22Compound Nouns - not collective, not plurals - something entirely different.Video lesson
23Questions About NounsQuiz
Test your knowledge about nouns.
30Adjectives - start here to learn about adjectives.Video lesson
31Adjectives - Different TypesVideo lesson
32Adjectives - Comparing EqualVideo lesson
33Adjectives - Comparing UnequalVideo lesson
34Adjectives - Superlative - the best lesson?Video lesson
35Adjectives - Order - learn how to order multiple adjectives.Video lesson
36Questions About AdjectivesQuiz
Test your knowledge of adjectives.
37Denominal Adjectives - how to make adjectives from nounsVideo lesson
38Participial Adjectives - how to make adjectives from verbsVideo lesson
39Compound AdjectivesVideo lesson
40Verbs - start here to learn about verbs.Video lesson
41Verbs - CategoriesVideo lesson
42Verbs - RegularVideo lesson
43Verbs - IrregularVideo lesson
44Verbs - Active and PassiveVideo lesson
45Passive Verb FormsVideo lesson
46Verbs - Transitive and IntransitiveVideo lesson
47Verbs - Finite and Non-finiteVideo lesson
48Verbs - AuxiliaryVideo lesson
49Verbs - Auxiliary ModalVideo lesson
50Phrasal VerbsVideo lesson
51Questions About VerbsQuiz
Test your knowledge of verbs.
52Tenses and Aspects - start here to learn about tenses and aspects.Video lesson
53Present Simple - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
54Present Continuous - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
55Present Simple vs Present ContinuousQuiz
Test your knowledge of present simple and present continuous.
56Present Perfect - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
57Present Perfect Continuous - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
58Present Perfect vs Present Perfect ContinuousQuiz
Test your knowledge of present perfect and present perfect continuous.
59Past Simple - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
60Past Continuous - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
61Past Simple vs Past ContinuousQuiz
Test your knowledge of past simple and past continuous.
62Past Perfect - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
63Past Perfect Continuous - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
64Past Perfect vs Past Perfect ContinuousQuiz
Test your knowledge of past perfect and past perfect continuous.
65Future Simple - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
66Future Simple - Will vs Going To - when to use them.Video lesson
67Future Continuous - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
68Future Simple vs Future ContinuousQuiz
Test your knowledge of future simple and future continuous.
69Future Perfect - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
70Future Perfect Continuous - usage, formation, examples.Video lesson
71Future Perfect vs Future Perfect ContinuousQuiz
Test your knowledge of future perfect and future perfect continuous.
72Reported Speech - he said, she said ...Video lesson
73Examples with Contractions - a detailed explanationText lesson
74Adverbs - start here to learn about adverbs.Video lesson
75Adverbs - From Adjectives - learn how to make adverbs from adjectives.Video lesson
76Adverbs - RelativeVideo lesson
77Adverbs - ComparativeVideo lesson
78Adverbs - SuperlativeVideo lesson
79Adverbs - InterrogativeVideo lesson
80Adverbs of CertaintyVideo lesson
81Adverbs of DegreeVideo lesson
82Adverbs of MannerVideo lesson
83Adverbs of PlaceVideo lesson
84Adverbs of TimeVideo lesson
85Adverbs of FrequencyVideo lesson
86Adverbs of ViewpointVideo lesson
87Adverbs of OpinionVideo lesson
88Adverbs of CompletenessVideo lesson
89Questions About AdverbsQuiz