Tutorials on how to play Minecraft
- Description
- Curriculum
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This course will teach you about the basics and Minecraft and more. In this course, you will watch me go over various topics about the game, starting with the basic mechanics and then moving onto the more difficult things such as potions and biomes. I will be showing you multiple things, and you can pause the videos at any moment so you don’t get confused. Alternatively, you can wait until the video is finished and then go back at your own pace. By the end of this course, you should be able to play on any server with your friends. You may even want to thrive in your creative or survival world, depending on how adventurous you are feeling. Please note that the basics cover nearly all versions of Minecraft. I will be doing the course in version 1.16.5, as it is the newest stable version by the time this is posted. I will also be doing some of the videos in survival mode so you can learn from example. Most of the videos are in creative since I need to set them up in order to give you a proper guide. If I were to go over all of these topics in pure survival, it would take a few hours. An example of this would be about the End, since I need to teach people without the Ender Dragon flinging me up into the sky. When I am in creative, I will make sure to play as if I am in survival. I appreciate all of you taking your time to read this, and hopefully my teachings can help you play the game. Experts learned through experience, so this is your first step into being an experienced Minecraft player.
1IntroductionVideo lesson
I go into the first thing you need to do in Minecraft, learn and set up the controls!
2Basics of CraftingVideo lesson
In this video, I will go over on how to view the recipes in Minecraft, and how to craft some of them.
3Building a Safe ShelterVideo lesson
This video will show you how to make a shelter in Minecraft to survive the night.
4Finding CoordinatesVideo lesson
This video will teach you how to use coordinates to find your way to your base and to other buildings or players.
5Mining and FarmingVideo lesson
This video will teach you how to mine and farm.
6A Guide to VillagesVideo lesson
I show the villages and villagers in Minecraft.
7More Mechanics of MiningVideo lesson
I go mining even more for more resources to show the caves and what you can find.
8Getting DiamondsVideo lesson
I show how to find diamonds and how to mine them.
9Obsidain and EnchantingVideo lesson
I show how to get obsidian and how to use an enchantment table.
10Touring the NetherVideo lesson
I go into the nether to show the new update and how to trade with piglins.
11A Nether FortressVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to get blaze rods at a fortress.
12Swimming Mechanics for 1.12.2 and BelowVideo lesson
In this video, I will describe the swimming mechanics in 1.12.2 and below.
13Swimming Mechanics for 1.13 and AboveVideo lesson
In this video, I will describe the swimming mechanics in 1.13 and up.
14A Guide to FireworksVideo lesson
I show how to make different color exploding fireworks in Minecraft.
15Brewing PotionsVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to make a few potions.
16Following a MapVideo lesson
In this video, I explain how to follow a map to find a mansion or ocean temple.
17The EndVideo lesson
This video shows me going to the end and showing the structures and the Ender Dragon.
18Biomes and Various StructuresVideo lesson
In this video, I go over some of the different biomes and structures in the game.
19Village RaidsVideo lesson
In this video, I am showing how to defend a village from a raid.
20Mansion RaidsVideo lesson
In this video, I am going to a mansion to show how you explore it.
21Various FoodsVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to get/craft all the food in Minecraft.
22TridentsVideo lesson
In this video, I go over how to find a trident and the enchantments you can put on a trident.
23CrossbowsVideo lesson
In this video, I go over how to find/craft a crossbow, and the ammunition it can fire.
24Tipped ArrowsVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to craft and use tipped arrows.
25Passive MobsVideo lesson
In this video, I show the passive mobs in the game.
26Hostile MobsVideo lesson
In this video, I show the hostile mobs in the game.
27AdvancementsVideo lesson
In this video, I go over how to get most of the advancements in the game.
28Music Discs and Note BlocksVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to find a music disc and now to use a note block.
29How to Obtain NetheriteVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to get netherite ingots and how to craft them into armor and weapons.
30How to Build a Water ElevatorVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to make a water elevator.
31Setting TrapsVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to survive certain traps in Minecraft.
32How to Make a Farm From a SpawnerVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to make a spawner grinder in Minecraft.
33Fishing MechanicsVideo lesson
In this video, I show what you can get from fishing.
34A Guide to DyesVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to craft and get dyes in Minecraft.
35Various CommandsVideo lesson
In this video, I go over some of the commands in the game.
36How to Use a LoomVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to use a loom to make banners.
37Knowing your CropsVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to set a custom seed for individual worlds.
38More StructuresVideo lesson
In this video, I show off some of the structures in the game.
39Curing a Zombie Villager and Getting Mob Heads From CreepersVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to cure a zombie villager and how to get a mob head.
40Chorus Fruit and Shulker BoxesVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to make a chorus fruit farm and how to dye shulker boxes.
41Book and QuillsVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to craft a book and quill and how to use it.
42A Forest of FlowersVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to find different flowers.
43Breeding AnimalsVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to get the advancement Two by Two.
44Fighting MonstersVideo lesson
In this video, I go over how to kill certain mobs, and what the mobs do to you.
45The Ocean MonumentVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to navigate an ocean temple.
46CampfiresVideo lesson
In this video, I show what campfires are used for.
47A Shiny Guide to EnchantmentsVideo lesson
In this video, I show all the enchantments on all armor, tools, and weapons in the game.
48Furnace FuelsVideo lesson
In this video, I go over all the fuels in the version 1.16.5.
49How to Use a BeaconVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to activate a beacon and what you can get from it.
50Redstone ClocksVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to make a repeating clock that works very well for a firework show.
51Filling a MapVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to expand a map and how to fill it.
52Job Blocks for VillagersVideo lesson
In this video, I show all the job site blocks, and what each one does to a villager.
53Fighting the Ender DragonVideo lesson
In this video, I go after the Ender Dragon to show how to kill her.
54Minecraft PhysicsVideo lesson
In this video, I explain some of the physics in the game.
55Fighting the WitherVideo lesson
In this video, I show how to kill the wither.