Uber Analytics Test
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*** Over 5500 students enrolled ***
*** Updated for latest CodeSignal Version of the Test ***
*** Added two more CSV files from latest test attempt ***
*** NOW with 3 CSVs and 20 additional questions and answers for Version 3.1 of the test ***
The Uber Analytics Test is the second test in the entire interview for General Manager, Associate General Manager, Operations and Logistics Manager and Marketing Manager positions at Uber.
If you pass the recruiter screen, the next step is to do this 2 hour timed online analytics test.
As part of this course, we will walk you step by step on how to ace this exam through a bunch of course materials and video content.
Course Outline
Test Details – Here we will cover what to expect on the test.
Preparation Plan – We will walk through a detailed preparation plan on how you should study for the test.
Theory – Here we’ll go through theory around Uber’s business model, pricing strategy, metrics etc.
Quantitative Questions – First CSV – On the test you will be presented with 2 CSVs. Questions are based on them and we’ll cover both a number of questions and answers in this section.
Quantitative Questions – Second CSV – We’ll go through questions and answers based on the second file in this section.
General Multiple Choice Questions – We’ll then look at general questions aimed at your knowledge of Uber’s business as a whole.
Short Answers – We’ll cover short answers that you’ll be expected to write.
Long Answers – We’ll cover long answers that you’ll be expected to write.
Additional Questions and Answers – 10 additional questions and answers from Version 3.1 of the test and for extra practice.
Version 3.1 of the Test – We’ll discuss a new CSV that you’ll get on the test and questions and answers regarding the same.
Conclusion – We’ll finally conclude the course in this section with some last minute tips.
What You’ll Get
300 page detailed presentation that walks you step by step on what needs to be done.
2 downloadable CSVs and Excel files that you will get on the exam.
1 downloadable CSV for Version 3.1 of the test.
1 hour of video that walks you through everything.
24/7 support on the actual test.
Free Uber Analytics Test eBook
Course Details
Review the different Uber positions covered in this video, including: Operations and Logistics, Marketing Manager, General Manager, Associate General Manger, Marketing Manager
Discuss Surge Pricing – an extremely important concept on the exam.
Discuss Uber metrics and terms, including:
Completed Trips
Driver Supply
Idle Time
Peak Hours
Surge Pricing
Working Shifts
Covers many many multiple choice questions found in the Uber Excel analytics test, including:
Between the 1st and the 5th of February, which date has the most completed trips?
What hour of the day had the most completed trips on February 11th?
What hour of the day from the 15 day period in February had the least number of requests?
What is the percentage of all of the eyeballs that occurred on Fridays?
What is the weighted average of requests per driver for the 15 day data set?
Drivers’ schedules are drafted in 4 hour shifts, and Uber wants to change this to 8 hour shifts. Calculate which shift has the highest request for the 15 day data set.
When the number of unique drivers increases so does the number of eyeballs?
On which day is the ratio the highest for the number of completed trips to requests?
If you had 10 drivers to add to one hour throughout the 15 day data set, which hour would you add them to?
How many hours of data are in this data set?
Use the data to determine when the best end-of-day is for drivers.
Sample of short and long answer questions and an approach to answer them:
What is surge-pricing is and the main reasons behind why it’s a good choice for Uber.
Convince a non Uber driver to switch to become an Uber driver.
Write a letter aimed at Uber drivers to encourage them to accept more requests.
10 additional practice problems, including:
What is the probability of an Uber driver accepting your request?
How many years will it take for UberBlack drivers to outnumber UberX drivers?
What will be the change in Uber revenue after a fare increase?
If Uber starts a promo, what is the maximum amount of fare reduction before loss of revenue?
What is the maximum number of possible Uber candidates, given Uber’s eligible driver policy?
What is the minimum number of possible Uber candidates, given Uber’s eligible driver policy?
What is the probability of a Uber passenger getting to choose their seat first?
Would an UberBlack vehicle beat Usain Bolt at the 100 meter sprint?
What is the individual bill of an Uber trip split proportionally by trip distance?
How many license plates in New York do not have any repeating numbers?
10 additional questions covering Version 3.1 of the test
6Theory - Understanding an On demand economyVideo lesson
The first step to understanding Uber is to understand an "On Demand Economy".
7Theory - Uber's Business ModelVideo lesson
We'll walk through Uber's business model in this video.
8Leaked Uber Metrics DocumentVideo lesson
We will see Uber's leaked metrics document in this lecture so that you get an idea of what to expect on the test.Â
9Theory - Understanding Uber MetricsVideo lesson
We'll define all of Uber's metrics in this lecture.
10Theory - Workflow for an Uber CustomerVideo lesson
11Theory - Surge PricingVideo lesson
One of the most important concepts that Uber uses is called Surge pricing. We'll understand the same in this and the next few lectures.
12Theory - Surge Pricing - Net EffectVideo lesson
In this class, we'll look at the net effect of surge pricing. You will get many multiple choice questions and answers on this.
13Theory - No Surge when demand is highVideo lesson
We'll also look at a case in which no surge kicks in when demand is high and what happens to the overall economy.
14Theory - Driver Issues - Tips and TricksVideo lesson
15Theory - Driver Issues - Ratings and CancellationsVideo lesson
16Theory - Driver Issues - ComplaintsVideo lesson
17Theory - Fleet UtilizationVideo lesson
18Approach and Getting OrganizedVideo lesson
We'll start with giving you some tips on getting organized on the test with your CSV, so that you can move fast.
19Understanding the CSVVideo lesson
In this lecture, we'll understand the breakdown of the CSV and how its structured.
20First CSV - Question 1Video lesson
Question 1 based on the first CSV file is what we'll start with. You will understand how to attack questions right away.
21First CSV - Question 2Video lesson
We will then go straight into question 2 and build upon our knowledge of what we've started.
22First CSV - Question 3Video lesson
The questions get harder as we move deeper into the course and Question 3 is an example of the same.
23First CSV - Question 4Video lesson
We then move onto question # 4 in this section where we're deep into pivot tables and other fun stuff.
24First CSV - Question 5Video lesson
We'll look at percentage related questions in this section.
25First CSV - Question 6Video lesson
In this lecture, we'll look at weighted average questions.
26First CSV - Question 7Video lesson
Then we move onto looking at questions based on driver's shifts.
27First CSV - Question 8Video lesson
We will look at questions related to correlation.
28First CSV - Question 9Video lesson
Then we'll look at ratio questions.
29First CSV - Question 10Video lesson
How do we add drivers to a day. We'll look at that next.
30First CSV - Question 10 - Another ApproachVideo lesson
We'll see another way to do so in this lecture.
31First CSV - Question 11Video lesson
Some low hanging fruit is what we'll look at next.
32First CSV - Question 12Video lesson
Curious about what "end of day" is. We'll look at that next.
33First CSV - Question 13Video lesson
How do we find the busiest periods in our data? We'll look at that here.
34Getting OrganizedVideo lesson
Here its all about the second CSV and we'll understand how to get organized with this CSV.
35Understanding the CSVVideo lesson
Similar to the first CSV, we will understand the second CSV before proceeding.
36Second CSV - Question 1Video lesson
How do we deal with driver bonuses is what we will look at in this section.
37Second CSV - Question 2Video lesson
We'll look at the different type of bonus in this lecture.
38Second CSV - Question 3Video lesson
We will compare promotions in this lecture.
39Second CSV - Question 4Video lesson
How does Uber give our rewards is what we'll look at in this lecture.
40Second CSV - Question 5Video lesson
Calculating the net income for a driver is what we will look at here.
41Second CSV - Question 6Video lessonWe'll build upon this question and look at updates to the net income here.
42IntroductionVideo lesson
In this section, we will go through 16 general multiple choice questions and answers that you will be expected to answer on the exam. The exam will contain between 8 - 10 questions.
43Question 1Video lesson
When do you think a driver should go online?
44Question 2Video lesson
What should a driver focus on if he or she wants to increase his or her daily fare amount?
45Question 3Video lesson
What efficiency based metrics should Uber focus on?
46Question 4Video lesson
How do we judge whether a promotion was successful or not?
47Question 5Video lesson
When should customers apply a promotion?
48Question 6Video lesson
How do we filter out how many drivers are allowed to drive?
49Question 7Video lesson
Drivers want to increase their fare. How do we help them?
50Question 8Video lesson
What could cause a really bad driver experience?
51Question 9Video lesson
When should surge pricing kick in?
52Question 10Video lesson
Which metrics change when surge kicks in?
53Question 11Video lesson
How do we judge whether a driver was successful or not?
54Question 12Video lesson
What do customers hate the most when it comes to driving?
55Question 13Video lesson
Why surge pricing?
56Question 14Video lesson
Which metrics are the least relevant towards a particular scenario?
57Question 15Video lesson
During peak demand hours, what metrics go up?
58Question 16Video lesson
Which metrics affect surge pricing?
59IntroductionVideo lesson
On the exam, you will get 3-6 short and long answer questions. We'll go through them in this section.
60Question 1Video lesson
Definitional questions is what we will see here. E.g. - What is Surge pricing?
61Question 2Video lesson
How do you convince drivers to join Uber?
62Question 3Video lesson
How do we engage local community groups with Uber?
63Question 4Video lesson
How do you respond to city officials?
64Question 5Video lesson
How do you build a community among drivers?
65Additional questions for practiceVideo lesson
In this lecture, I'll cover a few extra questions that you can practice with.
66IntroductionVideo lesson
This video is about long answer questions. Most likely you will get only 1 on the exam, but you should be prepared in case you get more. We'll cover them here.
67Question 1Video lesson
Writing a letter to drivers is what we will see here.
68Question 2Video lesson
Write a letter to partners regarding Uber's new services.
69Question 3Video lesson
Oops. A driver did something bad. You've got to fix it.
70Additional questions for practiceVideo lesson
I'll give you a few more questions to practice with in this lecture.
71IntroductionVideo lesson
We'll look at a number of new questions and answers in this section that Uber has started adding to newer versions of the test.Â
72Question 1Video lesson
What is the probability that the driver furthest from your location will accept your request?Â
73Question 2Video lesson
How many years will it take for there to be more UberBlack vehicles?Â
74Question 3Video lesson
What will the change in revenue be after a fare increase?Â
75Question 4Video lesson
If Uber starts a promo, what is the maximum fare reduction percentage before Uber starts to lose revenue?Â
76Question 5Video lesson
What is the highest number of eligible candidates based on criteria given to you?
77Question 6Video lesson
What is the minimum number of eligible candidates based on criteria given to you?
78Question 7Video lesson
In a round of rock paper scissors, what is the probability that the round will be a draw?Â
79Question 8Video lesson
Who will win a race between Usain Bolt and an Uber Car?
80Question 9Video lesson
How much will a particular rider pay when sharing a car with 2 others?
81Question 10Video lesson
How many plates don’t have any repeating numbers in New York city uber cars?