Unlock Excel VBA and Excel Macros
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Go from Beginner to Microsoft Excel VBA Expert!
I’ll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to be able to use VBA to improve your work flow, save time and automate your current Excel projects.
What differentiates this course from the other Microsoft Excel VBA & macros courses? It includes:
Over 50 Microsoft Excel VBA & macro examples. These are solutions my clients have needed through the years. They are likely to be useful for you too.
Using the right VBA syntax is the most difficult part. An important topic which isn’t covered enough in other VBA courses. In this course you understand why you write things in certain ways.
Create 3 Complete Excel VBA Tools. We go from idea to final product and cover each step.
Over 100 pages of documentation (including useful code) so you can easily refer to it when in need.
Simple explanations for complex concepts.
High quality video and different delivery methods to keep things interesting.
Lots of ideas to automate your current tasks.
Learn from Google or from this Course?
I’ve been there! I first learnt VBA from Google.
It was truly a light-bulb moment, when I realized that Google has some answers – it could give me some of the code I was looking for – but there two things missing:
The WHY – why does the code work in one situation but not another.
Structure – topic sequence, real-case examples, workbooks, documentation.
Don’t waste your time
Don’t waste your time on poor quality videos and confusing explanations. In this Excel VBA course, complex topics are taught in a simple way by an instructor with 17 years of experience. The content has been carefully crafted and clearly organized. The videos are high quality and include animations to emphasize points. Most importantly you learn VBA by doing.
“I have already tried some VBA classes but so far I was never able to apply what I learnt to my own work. This course is different. I have already used some of the techniques Leila is teaching and applied it to my work files. I was able to reduce manual work for me and my colleagues by creating my own macros from scratch. Highly recommended!!!” — Randy Taylor
“Leila is the real deal… there are many VBA courses on Udemy (some of which I’ve taken) that merely demonstrate the functionalities. Leila explains the important foundation concepts and how the model is set up allowing you to truly create VBA code from thought rather than copying and pasting from various places. Her class is professionally constructed, with resources and content for each lecture, practice content for you to try things yourself and good Q&A opportunities to answer specific questions. Trust me, this is the course you want to take.” — Justin Fazzio
What you can look forward to in this course:
Understand how to use the right syntax in VBA
Useful Excel VBA codes you can directly use for your work
Use the macro recorder for simpler tasks and improve the code
Working with the Visual Basic Editor
Debugging tools and error handling methods
Different ways to reference ranges and cells
Different methods to loop
How to work with data types
PivotTables in Excel using VBA
Importing data from other files and exporting data to text files
Interacting with other applications (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook)
ActiveX and Userforms to enhance the Excel interface
Basically all the knowledge you need to automate tasks in Excel
1Course Structure & ContentVideo lesson
Check out what is included in the course and what you can do with Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel. You'll find examples to Excel tools you can create using VBA.
2Important Compatibility & Setup InformationVideo lesson
3Course Resources: Download Course Project FilesVideo lesson
4Course ExpectationsVideo lesson
5Course Outline for Quick ReferenceText lesson
6Overview: Macros & Visual Basic Editor (VBE)Video lesson
7Steps to Your First Macro RecordingVideo lesson
8Visual Basic Editor: What You Need to KnowVideo lesson
9Project: Dynamic Cell Selection (Special Cells) - Perfect for Flexible MacrosVideo lesson
10Project: Copy (Consolidate) Data - Absolute versus Relative Macro RecordingVideo lesson
117 Ways to Run Macros / VBA code (incl. creative & modern buttons)Video lesson
12OFFICE 365 Update: Change from Excel Comments to NotesText lesson
13Activity: Record a Macro that Deletes all CommentsText lesson
14What's the Difference Between Macros and VBA?Text lesson
15Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on MacrosQuiz
Please fill out the following 4Â questions to ensure you're ready to enter the next section.
16Overview: VBA Object Model (What you need to become an expert in VBA)Video lesson
To become an expert in Excel VBA, it's important to fully understand the Object Model. This way you'd be able to write the correct VBA syntax for your Excel projects (without guessing!). Selecting the wrong combination of objects, properties and methods will result in errors in your code.
17VBA's Code Reference Object LibraryVideo lesson
Writing VBA code is all about manipulating objects on the screen. These objects have code words for easier reference. This code can be found in the VBA reference library. In this lecture you'll learn how to use the Excel VBA reference library so you can find the correct code for your Excel macro.
18VB Color Guidelines & Keyboard ShortcutsVideo lesson
In this lecture we cover a few essential Excel VBA concepts including what a sub and function procedures are and what the different color codes mean. We also learn some useful shortcuts we can use the VBA editor.
19Excel VBA Object ModelVideo lesson
In this lecture we get into the setup of the object model. VBA syntax is object first, then action. Objects can also have relationships with other objects - you need to be aware of the object hierarchy. It gets really interesting and fun.
20Object PropertiesVideo lesson
In this lecture you learn all about Excel VBA object properties and what these are.
21Object MethodsVideo lesson
When you start to learn Excel VBA, it's important to understand what methods are and how you can use them together with objects to automate tasks.
22How to Find the Object, Property & MethodVideo lesson
VBA syntax is not easy to remember. How do you find the correct object, property or method that you need for your code?
23Test Your Knowledge about the Object ModelQuiz
Make sure you answer these before moving on to the next section.
24Conclusion: Key Takeaways & Message from MeVideo lesson
25Overview: Referencing Ranges, Worksheets & WorkbooksVideo lesson
26Referring to Ranges & Writing to Cells in VBAVideo lesson
This lecture is a complete guide that teaches you how to refer and write to a range or to cells in Excel VBA. You'll learn how to change a cells value with VBA by using range and the cells property, the offset property. You'll also learn how to refer to different ranges in one statement, how to select a row or a column with VBA and how the used range property works.
27Most Useful Range Properties & MethodsVideo lesson
284 Methods to Find the Last Row of your RangeVideo lesson
Find out how find the last empty row or the last empty column using different methods. Some work also with blank cells inside the data set. We take a look at using the end property of the range object. Then the current region property and the used range property of the worksheet object. We also take a look at using SpecialCells method to find the last used cell in the worksheet.
29Copying & resizing a variably sized rangeVideo lesson
30Properly Referencing WorksheetsVideo lesson
31Properly Referencing WorkbooksVideo lesson
32Activity: Save a Hard-coded Copy of WorkbookText lesson
33Project: Save Hard-coded Copy & Macro-free version of workbookVideo lesson
34Key Takeaways for Referencing RangesVideo lesson
35Overview: Role of Assignment & VariablesVideo lesson
36Data Types for Better PerformanceVideo lesson
37Declaring Variables, Arrays & Constants (Role of Option Explicit)Video lesson
38Using Object Variables (Set statement)Video lesson
39Scoping VariablesVideo lesson
40Activity: Revisit Hard-coded Workbook Project & Use Variable AssignmentText lesson
41Test Your Knowledge on Variables and data typesQuiz
42Key Takeaways for Working with VariablesVideo lesson
43Overview: Why Collections are a VBA EssentialVideo lesson
44With & End With for Easier Code WritingVideo lesson
45For Each to Loop Through Collections (sheets, ranges etc.) in one goVideo lesson
46IF Then (Else, ElseIF) for Conditional OutcomesVideo lesson
47Select Case as Alternative for Many IF StatementsVideo lesson
48Goto Statement to Change Program FlowVideo lesson
49Activity: Get the Number of Formulas on the worksheetText lesson
50Project: Get the Number of Formulas on the WorksheetVideo lesson
51Bonus: Unhide All Sheets in One GoVideo lesson
Learn 3 ways how you can unhide all Excel tabs in one go. You can also apply this to all macro-free Excel Workbooks.
52Key Takeaways for Collections & Decision Making in VBAText lesson
53Overview: VBA versus Worksheet FunctionsVideo lesson
54Most Useful VBA FunctionsVideo lesson
55Message Box (also with Yes, No buttons)Video lesson
56Input Box (VBA InputBox Function)Video lesson
57Input Box that can Select Ranges (Excel InputBox Method)Video lesson
58Activity: Show Top 3 Values in a Message Box Based on Range SelectedText lesson
59Project: Show Top 3 Values in a Message box based on Range SelectedVideo lesson
60Key Takeaways Built-in FunctionsText lesson
61Overview: Debugging, Handling Errors & Procedure ScopeVideo lesson
62Debugging Options: Watch, Locals, Immediate Windows & MoreVideo lesson
63Error Handling: Different MethodsVideo lesson
64Faster Code by Suppressing Pop-ups & Flickering ScreenVideo lesson
65Procedure Scope & Running one Sub from AnotherVideo lesson
66Passing Arguments to Sub Procedures (By Ref, By Val)Video lesson
67Activity: Get the Total Number of Formulas (or Comments) Used in a WorkbookText lesson
68Project: Get the Total Number of Formulas (or Comments) Used in a WorkbookVideo lesson
69Key Takeaways Debugging, Error Handling & Course Map StatusVideo lesson
70Project overview: Table of Contents (TOC) with one clickVideo lesson
71TOC Project: The BasicsVideo lesson
72TOC Project: Adding HyperlinksVideo lesson
73TOC Project: Testing the VBA CodeVideo lesson
74TOC Project: Adding Error Handling & More ChecksVideo lesson
75TOC Project: Adding to Personal Macro Workbook (Make it Available to all Files)Video lesson
76First Milestone Completed!Text lesson
77Section Overview: Looping in VBAVideo lesson
78For Next Counter Loops (Simple Example)Video lesson
79For Next Nested Loop (Loop through Text & Cells)Video lesson
80For Next Reverse Loop (Delete Filtered/Hidden Rows)Video lesson
81Do Until & Do While LoopVideo lesson
82Practical Example of Do Loop (with Inputbox)Video lesson
83Find Method for Quicker Lookup ResultsVideo lesson
84Find Method with Do Loop - Multiple MatchesVideo lesson
85Add a Timer to Test & Speech to InformVideo lesson
86Activity: Document all Comments in Workbook in a SheetText lesson
87Project: Document all Comments in Workbook in a SheetVideo lesson
88Useful VBA Statements & Key takeaways for Looping in VBAVideo lesson