Instructors are well-versed with DAW software as Ableton Live, Cakewalk Audio, FL Studio, and Linux Multi-Media Studio and have achieved to release original, favorably reviewed electronic music concepts. While a sizable sample of studio time has been either independent or for multimedia, as E-Learning and events, the initial impulse was to contribute acoustic backgrounds and creative inspiration for live bands.
Songs and tracks have been trending on various playlists across the web, garnering over 100k listeners on various online music channels (Soundcloud, Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music). Essential for a decent command of Ableteon Live is to learn both session and arrangement views. We study systematically the task and the art of embedding vocals, instruments, midi, effects, automation, and diverse sound elements for a dynamic ensemble.
Your rhetorical profile and marketability will benefit from exposure to Ableton Live and related media creation tools. Examples of multimedia and personal rhetoric are as follows:
- Soundcloud and Beatport profiles
- scores for digital games and motion pictures
- E-Learning acoustic accompaniments and backgrounds
- management of live events and choir ensembles

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