The Ultimate Guide To C# Unity Programming
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course is made with the latest content and newest technics used in modern Game Development
The best way to learn anything is by doing it in a really fun way and this is where this course comes from. If you want to learn how all these incredible games you see are made there is no better place to start than this course. We made sure that this course has everything you need to take you from a beginner (even with zero codding experience) and slowly take you to intermediate and finally become a professional.
I chose the main project in this course to be a 2D platformer because it not only has a vast library of game development concepts that we can implement and learn, but also because it’s very simple (especially if you are a beginner) to delve in and get started on your game development journey.
Everything in this course has been meticulously crafted, review and recrafted to provide you with the best experience possible and maximize your learning as much as possible. So not only will you have a great time learning you’ll also get the MOST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK by going away from this course with a lot of tools in your arsenal to continue you journey in the wild west of game development.
Section 1 – Introduction & Setup:
We’ll start off by downloading all the necessary tools that we need to start our game development journey. That means the latest version of Unity and the latest version of Visual Studio. We’ll also go over everything you need to make you feel right at home and how to use the course to maximize your learning potential. We’ll finish off by creating our first code with a very simple game just to take the pressure off.
Section 2 – Magic Game Cube: C# & Unity Basics:
This is where things get heated up. We’ll start by leaning what Version Control is which is an incredibly powerful tool for game developers and used by professional programmers around the world. We’ll learn the basics of C# so even if you have ZERO CODING EXPERINCE you can still understand everything and learn how to build great games and continue on with the project. We’ll also get a grasp on the fundamentals of Unity Engine and how everything works in it.
Section 3 – Castle Conquest: Setting Up Our World:
We begin our Main Project. We’ll start off by setting up our world, and what better place than the Game Design and player experience of our game. We’ll add sprite sheets slice them. You’ll learn how all these maps in 2D platformers are so easily created and understand how it’s not as hard as it seems. We’ll add our character who’s a great Conqueror wielding his trusted Hammer and you’ll get your first taste of animations.
Section 4 – Castle Conquest: Creating Our Conqueror:
Here is where you go deeper into making our character feel alive. We’ll give him the ability to move in the levels we created and interact with various things like the walls and so on. Our Conqueror will jump, climb, run, flip and just stand there sometimes Idling. We’ll also implement a modern game development technique called CINEMACHINE that makes our game really cool and professional.
Section 5 – Castle Conquest: Adding Enemies & Bombs:
It’s where things get a bit scary because our Conqueror is no longer safe. There are new threats inside his castle with pigs roaming and bombs ready to explode at any moment. We’ll add enemies, animated them and make them hurt our Conqueror if he walks too close to them. We’ll also add hazards like bombs that blow our player up if he doesn’t keep a safe distance after they start burning.
Section 6 – Castle Conquest: Controlling Our Game:
This is where we add lives to our player, we add more levels and add a score to get anyone playing our game a goal that they should achieve. Make everything in our world much more interesting and fun to experience. This is also where we add Sound Effects to our world and really make everything come alive.
Bonus Section:
This is where we do a little bit extra. We delve deeper into the UI canvas of our game and make it much better to look at. We add all the SFX we have available, so that everything we interact with has a sound attached to it, and finally we tweak the progression of the levels by adding a couple of new animations to our player.
What You Will Learn In This Course:
Download and install Unity and Visual Studio
Why we need Visual Studio with Unity
Use Visual Studio with Unity in a simple way
How to set a good Game Development environment
Unity Engine are in a simple and comprehensive way
The Basics of C# in the most fun ways possible by creating a game
Use player input to control the behavior of our game
Add different component to game objects
Add gravity and other forces to game objects
Make game objects interact with each other in our game
Add sprite sheets and slice them up
Create Tile assets
How to create levels from our tile assets
Become a ninja problem solver and learn how to go step by step to solve any problem in Game Development and coding
Create animations
Make transition between animations
Add climbing mechanics
Add bombs that explode and kill player
Add enemies that attack you
Create levels automatically with 2Dextras
Learn what player experience is
Add sound effects to your game
Add a scoring system to our game
Add lives to our player with dying conditions
1Why You Should Buy This CourseVideo lesson
Hey Michael here
2Download Unity & Visual Studio Step-by-StepVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Download and set up Unity
Download and set up Visual Studio
By the end of this video you will...
Have Unity and powerful engine for game development ready at your disposal
Have it connected to Visual Studio a tool used to manipulate all of our game objects
3How To Use This CourseVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Understand how to use this course to it's fullest
Learn where to get help if you ever find the need to
How to get the most out of your learning experience
By the end of this video you will...
Know what "Challenges" in each video are
Be prepared to move through the course like a champion
4Unity & Visual Studio 101Video lesson
Video Objectives:
Understand how Unity interface works
Understand how Visual Studio Works
Understand how they work together and how they complete each other
By the end of this video you will...
Know how to navigate your way through Unity and all the windows on it mean
Get comfortable with Visual Studio and it's simplicity
5Your First CodeVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Create your first C# script
Use Visual Studio to code in that script
Attack the script to a game object in Unity
Watch magic happen
By the end of this video you will...
Know how to create a C# script in Unity
Have a fundamental understand of the relationship between Visual Studio and Unity
6Introduction To Version ControlVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Understand what "Version Control" is.
Learn why it's such an essential tool.
Download, install and set it up for the next video.
By the end of this video you will...
Know what "Version Control" is and why it's so important
Have a very powerful tool called "SourceTree" at your disposal
7Using .gitignore For UnityVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Downloading a file called .gitignore and using it in SourceTree
Creating a simple game object in our game called the Magic Cube
Making our first Commit in SourceTree
By the end of this video you will...
On your way of becoming an expert programmer by using a professional tool for coding projects
Make saving different versions of your project simple and much smoother
8Print To Console With Debug.Log()Video lesson
Video Objectives:
Use a more professional tool to print to our console
Get more comfortable with Visual Studio and Unity
By the end of this video you will...
Get a better sense of how Unity and Visual Studio works
Understand there are levels in coding for beginners then professionals
9Variables 101Video lesson
Video Objectives:
Understand what "Variables" are
Use the different variables in our code to make life better
Use multiple types of variables to get a better grasp on things
By the end of this video you will...
Understand what variables are
Understand why, how and where they are best used
Create your own variables and have fun doing it
10Responding To Player InputVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Learn how to find solutions to our problems
Understand a bit more what Unit Docs are
Use inputs from a player to change things in our game environment
By the end of this video you will...
Have the power to press different buttons on your keyboard and changes things in Unity
Know how I go though the process of resolving problems I encounter
11Adding Box Colliders And Rigid BodyVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Understand what Unity Physics Engine is
Learn how to add component to our game objects
Understand what makes objects in game interact with each other
By the end of this video you will...
Know how breath life into our games and make simple game objects be affected by gravity and other forces
Be able to add components to our game and adjust them at your own leisure
12Adding Magic To Our CubeVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Make our cube move horizontally and jump based on player input
Use the rigid body attached to our game objects to add velocity
By the end of this video you will...
Understand why we need rigid bodies for our game objects
Learn how to change position of game objects
13Using If, Else If, Else StatementsVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Learn the structure of an If statement condition
Use it in code to print to our console
By the end of this video you will...
Learn an essential tool of any programming language
Understand how to make things in our world behave based on specific conditions
14Public Methods & Return TypesVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Understand the structure of methods
Create our own methods
Architect our code and make much more easy to read and understand
By the end of this video you will...
Learn a fundamental aspect of programing which is creating method
Make your life easier by having your code well structed and cohesive
15Parent-Child Relationship And PrefabsVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Understand what children of game objects are
Create Prefabs and instrumental tool for any project in Unity
By the end of this video you will...
Know what Children are and what Parents are and how they interact with each other
Know how to create prefabs from our game objects and why it's so important to have them in our projects
16Castle Conquest Game DesignVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Understand what "Game Design is
Learn how to create something enjoyable for your players
Leaning how to start setting up a game before you actually delve into it and start creating
By the end of this video you will...
Know how to define your game before you start making it to make sure it's a good one
Understand the concept of game design and what it takes to make a good fun game
17Slicing Sprite SheetsVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add graphics we'll use for our background and foreground
Slice up big sheets into small rectangles to start building our tile assets
By the end of this video you will...
Get resources for the tiles in our game
Learn how to slice up sprite sheets using Unity sprite editor
18Unity Tile Map 101Video lesson
Video Objectives:
Create Tile assets from the sprites we've sliced earlier
Learn what a Tile map is and how to use it in a Tile Palette
Start painting our game world
By the end of this video you will...
Create Tile assets
Add them to tile palette
Learn the importance of using background and foreground tiles
19Rule Tiles 101Video lesson
Video Objectives:
Download a powerful resource for tiling and 2D platformers called 2D Extras
Make it easy to paint our tiles into tile maps using automatic tiling
Create a rule set for our background tiles
By the end of this video you will...
Be able to automatically create levels
Paint levels easily with the help of the new resource
20Animating Our ConquerorVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add game object to our game and make it the Player of our game
Learn how to create a simple Idling animation to our Player
Start the game with the Player in our world
By the end of this video you will...
Learn how to add sprite renderer component
Learn what Animator and Animations are and how to use in our game objects
21Animation States And TransitionsVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add more animations to our Conqueror
Make transitions between the different animations
By the end of this video you will...
You'll understand how transitions between different Sates or animations work
How to use the animations inside of the animator
22Adding 2D CollisionsVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Make our Player interact with the world we've created for him
Add physics to to Player game objects
By the end of this video you will...
Relearn how to add rigid bodies and colliders to our game object
Learn how to add colliders to our world
23Moving Our Conqueror HorizontallyVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add a package called Unities standard Assets
Use player input to move Conqueror in the horizontal plane
Learn about the Input Manager
By the end of this video you will...
Learn how to use Unities Standard Assets for player input
Understand how Input manager works and use GetButtonDown()
24Flip Our Player SpriteVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Make the player movement more natural by flipping him based on direction
Manipulate the Transform Scale of our game objects
By the end of this video you will...
Understand how to use Scale of game objects to flip them
Manipulate game objects transform scale from code
25Trigger Animations In CodeVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add more animations to our conqueror
Make transitions between states in Animator
By the end of this video you will...
Learn how transitions are triggered and used
Understand how these different states can be triggered from C# scripts
26Adding The Ability To JUMP!Video lesson
Video Objectives:
Make our Conqueror Jump based on the player input
Manipulate gravity in our physics 2D in game manager
By the end of this video you will...
Learn the difference between moving player horizontally and making them jump
Have the chance to tweak the jumping to your own preference
27Tweak Jumping Using isTouchingLayer()Video lesson
Video Objectives:
Stop our Player jumping infinitely making our game more realistic
Use Layers in our game for the interactions that happen
By the end of this video you will...
Learn what Layers are and how we use them in collisions
Understand how tweaking some game mechanics make your game more enjoyable
28Stop Wall JumpingVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Stop our player form infinitely jumping on walls
By the end of this video you will...
Learn the what Physics Materials are
Understand the presence of friction and bounciness in Unity Engine
29Climb Hanging SheetsVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add climbing ability to our player
Learn how to add tiles that are specific for climbing
By the end of this video you will...
Able to create climbing tiles with their own colliders and mechanics
Understand what it takes to climb certain surfaces
30Tweaking Climbing MechanicsVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Finish up tweaking our climbing and making it work perfectly (or at least to your preferences)
By the end of this video you will...
Have a climbing Conqueror in your word ready for his next adventure
31Cinemachine Follow CameraVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Understanding what Cinemachine is
Create a bigger level for our player to move it
Add a follow cam to the character
By the end of this video you will...
Learn what Cinemachine is and how to add a brain to our camera
Create smart cameras that follow our player around
32Constraining Our CameraVideo lesson
33Animation-Driven CamerasVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Change Camera behavior based on the animation our player is in
Learn how to add state driven camera
By the end of this video you will...
Be able to add multiple cameras for each of the states (animations) on our player
34Making EnemiesVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add enemies to our game
Make them move in horizontal plane and flip when they hit a wall
By the end of this video you will...
Relearn everything we done already for our player
Learn how we can automatically flip our enemies when they reach a wall
35Player HitVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Make Our player vulnerable to our enemies
Learn Coroutines
By the end of this video you will...
You'll understand what Coroutines are and how useful they can be
Add forces to our player and make him fly away
36Drop The BOMBVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add a bomb that explode when a player gets near them
Use OnTriggerEnter() and Destroy()
By the end of this video you will...
Understand how to make game objects go booooooom!
37Exploding Our ConquerorVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Throw our player in the air if he happens to be near the bomb when it goes off
Delve deeper into Unity's Rigid Body component
By the end of this video you will...
Have a better understanding of what rigid bodies are used for
Learn how different scripts (classes) can interact with each other much better
38Adding Attack Ability (Arrays)Video lesson
That's a lot of A's in a Title
Video Objectives:
Add the ability for our Conqueror to defend themselves against enemies
Understand the fundamentals of Arrays
By the end of this video you will...
Learn how attacking works in video games
Understand the usefulness of Hurt Boxes in games
Learn what arrays are and how we use them
39Killing Off EnemiesVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Kill our enemies if they get hit our trusty battle AXE
Stop everything the enemies can do when hit
By the end of this video you will...
Learn how to turn off and change various components from code
40Adding LevelsVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add multiple levels to our game
By the end of this video you will...
Learn how you can put all your levels in one scene and modifier them
41Exit DoorVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add doors through which our player can go from one level to the next
Understand how we can transition from scene to scene
By the end of this video you will...
Learn what scene management is
Build your game scenes
42Main Menu & Success LevelVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Create a Success Level
Create a Main Menu level
Create buttons for each to transition between them
By the end of this video you will...
Learn how to create buttons in you game that take you from scene to scene
43Game SessionVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Control our game by adding a 3rd party
Create a singleton patter for the Game Session
By the end of this video you will...
Understand what a singleton pattern is
Learn why we can't simply use game objects in our game like player to control everything
44Diamonds And Hearts PickupVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add hearts and diamonds to our world
By the end of this video you will...
Relearn slicing up sheets, using OnTriggerEnter(), Animations and Destroy()
45Adding Sound Effects (SFX)Video lesson
Video Objectives:
Add SFX to various game objects in our game
Understand how to use Audio Clips and where to listen to them
By the end of this video you will...
Understand how sounds work in Unity
Learn how to play SFX even on objects that have been destroyed
46Persistent Score And LivesVideo lesson
Video Objectives:
Add UI for our lives and scores
Keep track of them from level to level using the Game Session object
By the end of this video you will...
Understand the importance of using a separate game object like Game session to keep track of our game