Making Game Music: For Complete Beginners
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Making music doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Using the free and open-source LMMS with its free instruments and sounds allow you to bring your games to life using music. Music is a part of games that often gets overlooked and with this course, you’ll learn how to make a soundtrack for your game.
In this course, Michael will first take you from knowing nothing about LMMS, learning its interface and tools, to composing a rhythm track. Rhythm is a fundamental part of music creation, it is a great place to start experimenting and having fun whilst learning a little theory along the way.
Throughout the course, you will use musical frameworks to help guide you when creating your music. The theory doesn’t have to be dry and boring when it is implemented straight away which we will do throughout the course when we need to learn something new.
We will be covering:
Themes and variations.
Expanding LMMS with multiple plugins.
Creative dynamic and reactive music for your games.
Later in the course, we cover modular music, where you can create a musical soundscape that can blend seamlessly from exploring the world to being engaged in battle and finally an ambient layer as well.
There is no better time than to learn the basics of composition and bring your games to life today.
1Introduction To The CourseVideo lesson
2Installing LMMS on WindowsVideo lesson
3The Interface OverviewVideo lesson
4How The Song Editor WorksVideo lesson
5The Beat And Baseline EditorVideo lesson
6Managing Multiple PatternsVideo lesson
7Quick Tip Pattern Length and LoopsVideo lesson
8Exporting Audio From LMMSVideo lesson
9The Sample TrackVideo lesson
10Adding InstrumentsVideo lesson
11Extra Instruments - SoundFonts (SF2)Video lesson
12Virtual Studio Technology (VST)Video lesson
13External Input DevicesVideo lesson
14Section Wrap UpVideo lesson
15Section IntroductionVideo lesson
16Reference MaterialVideo lesson
17Musical StructuresVideo lesson
18Quick Tip Buffer SizeVideo lesson
19Where To Start - RhythmVideo lesson
20Dynamics & The Piano RollVideo lesson
21Adding VariationVideo lesson
22Back To Musical StructuresVideo lesson
23Section Wrap UpVideo lesson
24Introduction - Our Mutual LexiconVideo lesson
25Back To The Piano RollVideo lesson
26Tempo & MetronomeVideo lesson
27Note length & QuantisationVideo lesson
28Metre - MeterVideo lesson
29Notes & PitchVideo lesson
30C Major ScaleVideo lesson
31Relative Minor Scale (A Minor)Video lesson
32IntervalsVideo lesson
33Pentatonic ScaleVideo lesson
34Two or More Notes - ChordsVideo lesson
35ArpeggiosVideo lesson
36Keys and Chord ProgressionsVideo lesson
37TranspositionVideo lesson
38Consonance and DissonanceVideo lesson
39DronesVideo lesson
40MelodyVideo lesson
41Ostinatos - Repeating PatternsVideo lesson
42SyncopationVideo lesson
43Section Wrap UpVideo lesson
44Introduction To The Iterative ApproachVideo lesson
45Setting Yourself GoalsVideo lesson
46Drone and BassVideo lesson
47Simple ArpeggiosVideo lesson
48A Basic MelodyVideo lesson
49Adding PercussionVideo lesson
50Copying From Another ProjectVideo lesson
51Going Big With LayeringVideo lesson
52ZynAddSubFX Instrument EffectsVideo lesson
53The ArpeggiatorVideo lesson
54Adding Complexity & VariationVideo lesson
55Arranging Your PieceVideo lesson
56Building Up and HitsVideo lesson
57AutomationVideo lesson
58Section Wrap UpVideo lesson